
    JavaScript is:

    1. The language of the web browsers.
    2. One of the most used programming languages of the world.
    3. The world's most misunderstood programming language.
    4. One of the most expressive languages ever created.
    5. A language with some very frustrating parts which must be avoided.

    JavaScript programming paradigms:

    1. OOP programming
    2. Procedural programming
    3. Functional programming

    JavaScript is interpreted not compiled. (Or more recently just-in-time compiled)

    JavaScript can run:

    1. In the browsers (<script src="js/script.js"></script>)
    2. On node.js server ($ node script.js)


    Brendan Eich created JavaScript in 1995, while working at Netscape.
    He implemented JavaScript in 10 days. As you can guess it was not perfect.

    JavaScript has (almost) nothing to do with Java:
    1. The similar name is a marketing gimmick rather than good judgment.
    2. Due to the same marketing reasons, he was pressed to make JavaScript 
    a bit more "Java like."

    Microsoft reversed engineered the language, as it was at that time, with all
    the problems. Then they added it in Internet Explorer,

    Netscape was horrified. They tried to maintain control by standardising 
    JavaScript as ECMAScript. But it was too late, broken parts remained.

    It would take years to fix some of them.



    Some will say terrible things about JavaScript. 
    Many of these things are true. 
    When you write something in JavaScript for the first time, 
    you can quickly despise it. 
    It will accept almost anything you typed but interpret it in a way 
    that was completely different from what you meant. 
    This, of course, means that you don't have a clue what are you doing, 
    but the real issue is that: 

    JavaScript is ridiculously liberal in what it allows. 
    The idea was that it would make programming in JavaScript easier
    for beginners. In reality, it makes finding problems harder 
    because the system will not point them out to you. 
    It will just try to make sense from what you tell it to do.

    This flexibility also has its advantages, though. 
    It leaves space for a lot of techniques that are impossible 
    in more rigid languages.

    After learning the language properly and working with it for a while, 
    the chances are you will actually like JavaScript.


'use strict';        


    JavaScript's strict mode, introduced in ECMAScript 5, is a way 
    to opt in to a restricted variant of JavaScript.

    Strict mode:
    - Eliminates some silent errors by changing them to errors.
    - Fixes mistakes that make it difficult for JavaScript engines to 
    perform optimizations: strict mode code can sometimes run faster 
    than identical code that's not strict mode.
    - Prohibits some syntax likely to be defined in the future.

    To use the strict mode we need to add 

    'use strict'; 

    as the first line in the code.

    WARNING: All the code presented here runs in strict mode.
    Some parts will work differently if you run them in non strict mode !


'use strict';            


// Single line comment

'use strict';     

    In JavaScript, we print out things using the "console" methods.

    To see the console output in the browser, open the Developer Tools 
    to the right and switch to "Console" tab. While following these lessons, 
    you should keep the Developer Tools' Console open.

    If you are using a nice browser like Chrome or Firefox, the console output 
    is  displayed on the right side of the editor so you don't have to open
    the Developer Tools' Console.


// clears the console

// a simple log
console.log("Welcome to the machine");

// a warning
console.warn("JavaScript ain't easy");

// an error
console.error("Task failed successfully");

'use strict';     


    We'll talk later about functions, but until then we use some
    simple functions (because they are so useful).  

    To create a function, you need to:  
    * use the "function" keyword, 
    * provide a function name
    * between ( ) declare the function parameters separated by comma
    * between { }  is the function body.
    * use "return" keyword to return something from the function


function function_name(parameter) {
    // do something

    return some_result;

// call the function


888888b.                     d8b                                                    
888  "88b                    Y8P                                                    
888  .88P                                                                           
8888888K.   8888b.  .d8888b  888  .d8888b                                           
888  "Y88b     "88b 88K      888 d88P"                                              
888    888 .d888888 "Y8888b. 888 888                                                
888   d88P 888  888      X88 888 Y88b.                                              
8888888P"  "Y888888  88888P' 888  "Y8888P                                           
     888888                             .d8888b.                   d8b          888    
       "88b                            d88P  Y88b                  Y8P          888    
        888                            Y88b.                                    888    
        888  8888b.  888  888  8888b.   "Y888b.    .d8888b 888d888 888 88888b.  888888 
        888     "88b 888  888     "88b     "Y88b. d88P"    888P"   888 888 "88b 888    
        888 .d888888 Y88  88P .d888888       "888 888      888     888 888  888 888    
        88P 888  888  Y8bd8P  888  888 Y88b  d88P Y88b.    888     888 888 d88P Y88b.  
        888 "Y888888   Y88P   "Y888888  "Y8888P"   "Y8888P 888     888 88888P"   "Y888 
      .d88P                                                            888             
    .d88P"                                                             888             
   888P"                                                               888                     

'use strict';


    "When the creators built the machine, they put in the processor and the
    memory. From these arise the two aspects of the program.
    The aspect of the processor is the active substance. It is called
    Control. The aspect of the memory is the passive substance. It is
    called Data."  -- Master Yuan-Ma, The Book of Programming

    The purpose of any program is to transform data. So any program needs
    data. Data can have different roles or meanings, it can be of different 
    types. A value is a piece of data of a specific type.

    Values are things that are. Types are things that could be.

    Here are some examples:

    Type            Example Value
    number          1
    string          "ABC"
    boolean         true
    null            null
    undefined       undefined 
    object          new Date()

    Let's see how you can make values:


// Need a number? Just type it and it will be summoned            

// Want to do arithmetic? The result will be another number.
// Here is how to add 7 with 3
7 + 3;
// Or how to multiply 5 with 5
5 * 5;

console.log( 7 + 3 )
console.log( 5 * 5 )

// Need to compare some numbers? The result will be a boolean, true or false
7 >= 3; 
5 < 5;

console.log( 7 >= 3 )
console.log( 5 < 5 )

// Need a string? You can create it in different ways, using " ", ' ' or ` `:
"Below the surface of the machine, the program moves.";
'Without effort, it expands and contracts';
`In great harmony, electrons scatter and
regroup. The forms on the monitor are but ripples on the water. The
essence stays invisibly below.
 -- Master Yuan-Ma, The Book of Programming`;

'use strict';        


    You can bind a value to a name using "const" or "let". 
    Later you can use the binding name to get the bound value.

    You can assign a value to a binding using "=".
    The same value can be bound to several names.

    NOTE: Bindings are also called variables. 
    But calling a constant a variable is kind of confusing. 
    So here we stick with bindings.
    Think of a binding not as a box containing a value, 
    but as a *tentacle* that grasps a value. 
    The same value can be bound to several names, 
    meaning the same value can be grasped by several tentacles 
    not that there are several boxes with the same value.

    NOTE: There is another, old way or binding a value, using 
    "var" but nobody uses it anymore since it can cause some 
    strange and unexepected behaviour. Please use instead "const" 
    by default, and "let" only if you need to change the binding

// Previously we had to repeat the 7 + 3 operation when we printed the result,
// by binding the result of 7 + 3 to 'sum', we can print it using the binding
const sum = 7 + 3;

// Bindings that never change are declared with "const"
const person = "Dr. Cham";

// Tip: If you attempt to change a const you will get an error

// Bindings that change are declared with "let"
let whatHeDid = "He did dynamite a retirement home";
// Let's change it
whatHeDid = "He did dynamite a retirement home full of grannies";

// You can bind several values in a single line
let born = 1894, missing = 1941;

// Also you can just declare a "let" binding, without providing a value
let died;
// You need to provide a value to "const" or you'll get an error:
//const wentMad;

// Log a binding's value using console.log
console.log("person:", person); 
console.log("born, missing, died :", born, missing, died); 

// -- Exercises -- 

// Declare a binding that cannot be reasigned named "question" 
// with value "But Was He Sick??"

// Declare a binding that can be reasigned named "age" with value 50

// Declare a binding that cannot be reasigned named "bookDescription" 
// with value "A novel about time-travelling pheasant hunters"

// Declare a binding that can be reasigned named "rating" with value 4.2

'use strict';            


    You don't specify the type of the value when you declare a binding.
    The type of the value is determined at runtime.

    You can even reassign 'let' bindings to values of another type.


let thinkingOf = "Is this the real life?"; 

thinkingOf = "Is this just fantasy?"; 

thinkingOf = 1975;

// -- Exercises -- 

// Declare a "x" binding with any value

// Change the "x" value to something else

'use strict';   

let x = 100;
let y = x; // What is happening here?

x = 0;
// What is y? 
// console.log(y)


x     ->     |  100   |
-------------|        |
y     ->              |     


'use strict';            


    Bindings, classes, functions, methods, members etc. have names.

    A name starts with a letter, optionally followed by one or more letters, 
    digits, or underscore.

    $ (dollar sign) and _ (underscore) can be used instead of a letter as
    a name prefix.

    By convention the name of all of the members, bindings, functions  
    starts with lower case, only class and constructor names 
    start with upper case.

    camelCaseNotation is used for names composed from several words. 
    JavaScript is case sensitive.       


// Declare a binding that starts with a letter followed by a digit

// Declare a binding that starts with _ followed by a digit

// Declare a binding that starts with $ followed by a digit

// Declare a binding for "Anyway the wind blows" 

// Try to declare a binding that starts with a digit

'use strict';   


    Some of the keywords are not used by the language 
    but might be in the future versions.

    You cannot name a binding or parameter with a reserved word!
    Worse, it is not permitted to use a keyword as the name of 
    an object property in an object literal.

    New keywords may be added by newer versions of JavaScript.

    abstract	arguments	await	      boolean
    break	    byte	    case	      catch
    char	    class	    const	      continue
    debugger	default	    delete	      do
    double	    else	    enum	      eval
    export      extends	    false	      final
    finally	    float	    for           function
    goto	    if	        implements    import
    in	        instanceof	int	          interface
    let 	    long	    native	      new
    null        package	    private	      protected
    public	    return	    short	      static
    super	    switch	    synchronized  this
    throw	    throws	    transient	  true
    try	        typeof	    var	          void
    volatile	while	    with	      yield	


// -- Exercises -- 

// Try to declare a binding using one of the reserved words as binding name

'use strict';          


    There are seven primitive types:
    - number
    - string
    - boolean
    - null
    - undefined
    - Symbol
    - BigInt

    Everything else is an object, including arrays and *functions*.

    We can use "typeof" operator to find the type of a value,
    but sadly is not working very for some types, so in practice we use special
    techniques to find the type.    

    All primitive types are immutable, they cannot be changed once created.


console.log("Type of a number:", typeof 1);
console.log("Type of a string:", typeof "No!");
console.log("Type of a boolean:", typeof false);
console.warn("Type of null:", typeof null);
console.log("Type of undefined:", typeof undefined);
console.log("Type of a symbol:", typeof Symbol("π"));
console.log("Type of an object:", typeof Math);
console.log("Type of a function:", typeof function(){});
console.warn("Type of an array:", typeof [1, 2, 3]);

// NEW! Not supported by all browsers yet
//console.log("Type of a bigint:", typeof (2n ** 53n));

// in all cases typeof gives back a string with the actual type
console.log("Type of typeof a number:", typeof(typeof 1));
console.log("Type of typeof a string:", typeof(typeof "No!"));
console.log("Type of typeof a boolean:", typeof(typeof false));
console.log("Type of typeof null:", typeof(typeof null));
console.log("Type of typeof undefined:", typeof(typeof undefined));
console.log("Type of typeof a symbol:", typeof(typeof Symbol("π")));
console.log("Type of typeof an object:", typeof(typeof Math));
console.log("Type of typeof a function:", typeof(typeof function(){}));
console.log("Type of typeof an array:", typeof(typeof [1, 2, 3]));

// NEW! Not supported by all browsers yet
// console.log("Type of typeof a bigint:", typeof(typeof (2n ** 53n)));

// -- Exercises --

// Declare a binding with any value and print out its type

'use strict';            


    JavaScript has a two types for all the numbers, integers, 
    floating point numbers, etc.:
    1. Number - 64-bit floating point doubles
    2. BigInt - double-precision floating point approximation of the integer values

    Special numbers are NaN (Not a Number), Infinity and -Infinity.
    Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (2 ** 53 - 1) and Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER -(2 ** 53 - 1),
    Number.MAX_VALUE (1.79E+308, or 2 ** 1024) and Number.MIN_VALUE (5E-324),
    are the Number limits.
    +, -, *, / operators are used for arithmetic operations
    % is the remainder operator
    ** is the exponential operator

    Math object provides additional math functions.


const n = 1;
const half = 0.5;
const solarSystemAge = 4.568e9;

// Math provides additional math functions
const rnd = Math.random(); 

// Problems with precision, don't use this for money calculations
const dollars = 0.1 + 0.2;
console.log("Dollars:", dollars); 

// Numbers have some methods even if they are primitives
console.log("Dollars with precision:", dollars.toPrecision(1));
// You cannot use methods on literal numbers but you cand do this:
// 7.toString // throws error
7 .toString();

// Transform string to numbers
const minutes = parseInt("08");
console.log("Minutes:", minutes); // 0 NOT 8 in some browsers!

const hours = parseInt("08", 10); // always set radix
console.log("Hours:", hours); 

// Another way to convert strings to numbers using Number function
// (Yes, it's a function not a class even if it starts with capital N)
const seconds = Number("08");
console.log("Seconds:", seconds); 

// And yet another way
const millis = +'123';
console.log("Millis:", millis); 

// To create BigInts, you need to add 'n' after the number;
// const bigInt = 2n ** 53n + 1n; 
// console.log("Type of bigInt", typeof bigInt);
// console.log("bigInt", bigInt);

// When strings cannot be converted to numbers you get NaN
const time = Number("01:02:08.123");
console.log("Time:", time); 

// NaN is supposed to denote the result of a nonsensical computation,
// so it isn’t equal to the result of any other nonsensical computations.
console.log("Nan === NaN?", NaN === NaN);

// Check if value is number
const isNotANumber = isNaN("abc");
console.log("abc is not a number:", isNotANumber);

console.log("0 < Infinity:", 0 < Infinity)
console.log("-Infinity < 0:", -Infinity < 0)

console.log("typeof NaN ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯:", typeof NaN)
console.log("typeof Infinity:", typeof Infinity)
console.log("typeof -Infinity:", typeof -Infinity)

// Binary
let five = 0b101

// Hex
let red = 0xFF0000

// -- Exercises -- 

// Calculate 1 + 2

// Calculate 12 - 2

// Calculate 2.2 * 3

// Calculate 6 / 3

// Calculate ((1 + 2) * (2 + 4)) / 3

// Calculate the remainder of 10 / 4 using %

// Raise 2 to power 3 using **

'use strict';            


    Math is a built-in object that has properties and methods for mathematical 
    constants and functions. 

    Here are some of them:

    Math.abs(x) // Absolute value
    Math.ceil(x) // Smallest integer greater than or equal to x.
    Math.cos(x) // Cosine of x
    Math.floor(x) // Largest integer less than or equal to x
    Math.max([x[, y[, …]]]) // Largest of zero or more numbers.
    Math.min([x[, y[, …]]]) // Smallest of zero or more numbers.
    Math.random() // Pseudo-random number between 0 and 1
    Math.round(x) // x rounded to the nearest integer
    Math.sin(x) // Sine of x
    Math.sqrt(x) // Positive square root of x
    Math.trunc(x) // Integer part of x, removing any fractional digits.

    NOTE: Math is not a data type like Number, String, Date etc.
    So while all those are functions(contructors), Math is an object not a 
    function. This is Java influence, normally those functions should be number 
    methods, like toPrecision() is.




console.log(Math.max(4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42));

// -- Exercises -- 

// Calculate the minium of 48, -1516, 2342

// Generate a random number between 0 and 10

'use strict';            


    As the other primitive values, Strings are immutable.
    16 bits per character.
    You can compare similar strings with ==

    Can use double quotes (" ") and single quotes (' ') for strings.
    For multiline strings use back-ticks (` `).

    A string has lots of useful methods like:
    - length
    - indexOf 
    - substring 
    - toLowerCase & toUpperCase    
    - replace
    - replaceAll
    - repeat

    There's no char type, but you can work with a string's chars.


const fix = "Have you tried turning it off and on again?";

// strings have methods

// to combine several string into one you can use +
const abc = "a" + "b" + "c";

const stringFromNumber = 1 + ""; 

// another way to transform primitives to string using String function
const stringFromSomething = String(123);

const hiragana = "\u3041";

const specialChars = "One\nTwo";

const multiline = `
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Unexpected } on line 32

// Strings enclosed by the back-tick are called template literals 
// Template literals allow string interpolation
const lang = "Java";
const interpolated = ` 
    - Honey, I can't open the jar!
    - You need to download ${lang}!`

// IndexOf
const indexOfDownload = interpolated.indexOf('download');
console.log('indexOfDownload', indexOfDownload);

const indexOfUSA = interpolated.indexOf('USA');
console.log('indexOfUSA', indexOfUSA);

// Replace 
const replacements = interpolated
                        .replace('jar', 'zip file')
                        .replace(lang, 'WinZip')

// Repeat
const chorus = 'Because I\'m happy.\n';

// -- Exercises --

// Format a 10 digit phone number to a readable version: 0742552233 -> 0742.552.233
// using substring
function formatPhoneNumber (phoneNumber) {
    let result = '';
    // your code here

    return result;
console.log(formatPhoneNumber("0742552233")) // 0742.552.233

'use strict'; 

  Working with strings is relatively easy, the string API provides a lot 
  of common operations.  

  What you need to remember is that each string operation gives back a new string,
  you can't modify an exising string.

  See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String
  for more details.


const opinion = 'yikes';
// access a char
const firstChar = opinion[0];

const charOverLimit = opinion[10];

// string length
const opinionLength = opinion.length;

// transform string to upper case/ lowe case
const upperCaseOpinion = opinion.toUpperCase();

// get part of the string
const partOfOpinion = opinion.substring(0, 4);

// What do you think will happen when we try to change the string in place?
//opinion[0] = 'l';

// -- Exercises --

// implement the capitalize function that will take a string and return 
// the same string with the first letter uppercase, e.g. joe => Joe
const capitalize = (str) => {
    let result = '';
    // your code here

    return result;

// Black out word: Given a phrase and a word, replace each word's chars with *, 
// leave all other words as they are. Use replaceAll and repeat
const censor = (phrase, word) => {
    let result = '';
    // your code here

    return result;
console.log(censor('JFK was killed by KGB', 'KGB')) // JFK was killed by ***

'use strict'; 


    Hey mate! The following code is not working...
    It should just format a duration to a human readable string? 

    The format is "hh:mm:ss" where hh is number of hours, mm is number of minutes, ss 
    is number of seconds. Easy, right?
    Yeah, I'm gonna need you to fix it ASAP.
    So if you could ahead and do that... That would be great!

function formatDuration(duration) {    
    const SECONDS_IN_MINUTE = 60;
    const SECONDS_IN_HOUR = 60 * 60;

    // find hours
    const hours = 0; 

    // find minutes
    const minutes = 0;
    // find seconds
    const seconds = 0; 

    let result = '';

    return result;

console.log(formatDuration(10)); // logs '00:00:10'
console.log(formatDuration(60)); // logs '00:01:00'
console.log(formatDuration(121)); // logs '00:02:01'
console.log(formatDuration(3636)); // logs '01:00:36'

'use strict';            


    Boolean is a logical data type that can have only the values:
    - true 
    - false

    Boolean conditionals are used to decide which sections of code to execute 
    (e.g. if statements) or repeat (e.g. for loops).


if(false) console.log("This will never happen!");
else console.log("This will always happen");

if(true) console.log("You can't handle the truth!");
else console.log("Never ever");

    If you give a value that is neither true or false, in places where
    JavaScript expects true or false, that value will be converted
    to true or false.

    A 'falsy' value is a value converted to false.
    A 'truthy' value is a value converted to true.

    Falsy values : 
        1. false          boolean
        2. null           null type
        3. undefined      undefined type
        4. 0              number 
        5. NaN            number
        6. ""             (empty) string
    Truthy values : everything else

    If the result of an expression is one of the above falsy values,
    a condition using that result will execute the 'false' block.

let value;

// The following 3 lines are equivalent:
if (value) { }
if (value === true) { }
if (Boolean(value) === true) { }

if(null) console.log("null is truthy!");
else console.log("null is falsy!");

if(undefined) console.log("undefined is truthy!");
else console.log("undefined is falsy!");

if(0) console.log("0 is truthy!");
else console.log("0 is falsy!");

if("") console.log("empty string is truthy!");
else console.log("empty strings is falsy!");

if(NaN) console.log("NaN is truthy!");
else console.log("NaN is falsy");
if("0") console.log(" '0' string is truthy!");

'use strict';            


    There are two special values, 'null' and 'undefined', that are 
    used to denote the absence of a meaningful value.   

    'undefined' represents "not set" or "doesn't exist". 
    'undefined' is the default value for bindings, parameters, 
    function return value, object members, etc.

    'null' represents intentional absence of value.

    The difference in meaning between 'undefined' and 'null' is a (Java) accident 
    of JavaScript’s design, and it doesn’t matter most of the time. 
    Treat them as mostly interchangeable.

    Both 'undefined' and 'null' are falsy.


// A variable that was not assigned, has undefined value.
let notInitialized;

// Sadly undefined is not a reserved word so you can use it as variable name
// But please don't do this!
//let undefined = 2; console.log('undefined:', undefined);

// You can use null or undefined when you want to clear a variable value
// but I recommend to use undefined
let name = "John Resig";
name = undefined;

name = "John Resig";
if(name !== null) console.log("Name not null");

name = null;
if(name !== null && name !== undefined) {
} else {
    console.log("Name null or undefined");

name = undefined;
if(name !== null && name !== undefined) {
    console.log("Name not null or undefined");
} else {
    console.log("Name null or undefined");

// You can use != (with a single =) to use type coercion(conversion) and check 
// for both null and undefined

name = null;
if(name != null) console.log("Name is not null");

name = undefined;
if(name != null) console.log("Name is not undefined");

name = false;
if(name != null) console.log("Name false");

name = 0;
if(name != null) console.log("Name 0");

name = '';
if(name != null) console.log("Name empty string");

name = NaN;
if(name != null) console.log("Name NaN");

'use strict';            


    This data type is used to make private properties, for the internal use.

    All symbols are unique.

    In some programming languages the symbol data type is referred to as 
    an "atom."  


const artistSymbol = Symbol("The Artist Formerly Known as Prince")

const songSymbol = Symbol("Purple Rain")

console.log("artistSymbol === songSymbol", artistSymbol === songSymbol);

const s1 = Symbol();

const s2 = Symbol();

// Two symbols are never the same
console.log("s1 === s2", s1 === s2);

How we print information?
Which one creates strings correctly?
Which one declares a binding that is reasigned?
Which one tries to use a reserved word as binding name?
Which is true and will never be fixed?
Which is true?
How we find the maximum number?
How we interpolate a value in a string?
Which one will display output all caps?
'use strict';            


    Operators can be grouped by the number of values they operate on: 
    Unary: typeof, -, void, !
    Binary: +, -, 
    Tertiary: x ? y : z

    Most common operators, grouped by type:  
    Arithmetic: + - / * % **
    Assignment: = += -= *= /= ++ --
    Comparison: < > <= >= == != === !==
    Conditional: ? :
    Logical: && || !
    Grouping: ( )  
    There are many others. We'll talk about some of them later.  


const result = (2 + 8 * 3 / 4) % 5 ** 6;
console.log("result:", result);

let i = 0;
i += 1;
i -= 1;
console.log("i:", i);

1 < 2;
3 > 5;
5 >= 2;
6 == 5;

const yesOrNo = Math.random() < 0.5 ? "Yes" : "No";
console.log("yesOrNo:", yesOrNo);

const f = true && false;
const t = true || false;
const notTrue = !true;

'use strict';            


    When you use the right values with the right operators all is good.
    But as we know, JavaScript is ridiculously liberal in what it allows.

    It accepts almost any program you give it, even programs that do 
    strange and weird things. 

    When an operator is applied to the "wrong" type of values, JavaScript will 
    quietly convert that value to the type it needs, using a set of rules that 
    often aren't what you want or expect. 
    This is called "type coercion."


// * requires number values
console.log("8 * null:", 8 * null)
console.log("8 * 0:", 8 * 0)

// - requires number values
console.log('"5" - 1:', "5" - 1)
console.log('5 - 1:', 5 - 1)

// + works with both number or strings
console.log('"5" + 1:', "5" + 1)
console.log('"5" + "1":', "5" + "1")

// * works with numbers, but how to get a number from "five"?
// so it tells you this doesn't make sense
console.log('"five" * 2:', "five" * 2)

// Uses a complicated and confusing set of rules to determine what to do
console.log('false == 0:', false == 0)

// When null or undefined occurs on both sides of the = operator, produces true
console.log("null == undefined:", null == undefined);
console.log("undefined == null:", undefined == null);

// When null or undefined occurs on both sides of the != operator, produces false
console.log("null != undefined:", null != undefined);
console.log("undefined != null:", undefined != null);

console.log("null == 0:", null == 0);
console.log("0 == null:", 0 == null);
console.log("0 == false:", 0 == false);

'use strict';            

    One of the most used operators is +. It works with only strings and numbers. 
    Any other types to are converted to strings or numbers following these rules:

    1. It converts all operands to primitive values (usually using .toString()
    method of objects)

    2. Enters on of the two modes:
    2.1 "String mode"
    If one of the two primitive values is a string, then it converts the other 
    one to string, concatenates the strings, and returns the result.

    2.2 "Number mode"
    If none are strings, it converts both operands to numbers, adds them, 
    and returns the result.

    When used as a unary operator, it works only with numbers.


const addedArrays = [4,8,15] + [16,23]; 

const addedObjects = { lo: 4 } + { st: 8 }; 

const arrayAndObject = [] + {}; 

// one is string
console.log('abc' + null)
console.log('abc' + undefined)
console.log('abc' + true)
console.log('abc' + 123)
console.log('abc' + [])
console.log('abc' + {})

// one is number
console.log(23 + null, typeof(23 + null))
console.log(23 + undefined, typeof(23 + undefined))
console.log(23 + true, typeof(23 + true))
console.log(23 + [], typeof(23 + []))
console.log(23 + {}, typeof(23 + {}))

// + can also be a unary operator, works only with numbers
// so in this case it convers the operand to a number 

console.log( + null)
console.log( + undefined)
console.log( + true)
console.log( + false)
console.log( + 8)
console.log( + [])
console.log( + {})
console.log( + 'abc')
console.log( + '15')

// also works with objects that have a valueOf() that returns a number 
const numberLike = {
    valueOf: () => 815

'use strict';            


    For two operators, the == (equality) and != (inequality) was clear 
    from the beginning that it would be impossible to do good automatic 
    type conversion.

    So, JavaScript provides two operators === (strict equality) and 
    !== (strict inequality) that compares the values without doing any type 

    That is why, the recommended way to check for equality / inequality is to
    use these strict operators.


const x = 1;
const y = true;
console.log(`${x} == ${y}:`, x == y); // WARNING : Type coercion
console.log(`${x} === ${y}:`, x === y); // No Type coercion

const z = "";
const t = false;
console.log(`${z} != ${t}:`, z != t); // WARNING : Type coercion
console.log(`${z} !== ${t}:`, z !== t); // No Type coercion

// string == number
console.log("'5' == 5", '5' == 5)
console.log("'5' === 5", '5' === 5)

console.log("'5' == [5]", '5' == [5])
console.log("'5' === [5]", '5' === [5])

console.log("5 == ['0' + '5']", 5 == ['0' + '5'])
console.log("5 === ['0' + '5']", 5 === ['0' + '5'])

// Another way to check if two things are the same is Object.is()
// which works almost exactly like === except NaN and +0 -0

console.log("NaN === NaN", NaN === NaN )
console.log("Object.is(NaN, NaN)", Object.is(NaN, NaN))

console.log("+0 === -0", +0 === -0 )
console.log("Object.is(+0, -0)", Object.is(+0, -0))

// for anything else Object.is(v1, v2) is the same as v1 === v2

'use strict';            


    There are three logical operators:
    && - logical and
    || - logical or
    ! - logical not

    value1 && value2
    Returns "value1" if it can be converted to false; otherwise, returns "value2".
    When used with Boolean values, && returns true if both operands are true; 
    otherwise, returns false.

    value1 || value2
    Returns "value1" if it can be converted to true; otherwise, returns "value2".
    When used with Boolean values, || returns true if either operand is true;
    if both are false, returns false.

    Returns false if its single operand can be converted to true; 
    otherwise, returns true.

    && and || are short circuit operators.
    && stops at the first falsy value
    || stops at the first truthy value


// I want to drive, first I have to find the keys
// If I don't find the keys, I stop
// Otherwise, I'll try to use the car
// If I can't drive the car for some reason, I do nothing
// Otherwise I drive
const findTheDamnKeys = "found";
const driveCar = "drive";
const whatToDo = findTheDamnKeys && driveCar;

// I want a beer 
// If you have beer, I get beer
// Otherwise, I want a glass of wine
// If you have wine, I get wine
// Otherwise, I get nothing
const aBeer = "beer";
const aGlassOfWine = "wine";
const wish = aBeer || aGlassOfWine;

const a1 = "Cat" && "Dog"; 
console.log("a1:", a1);

const a2 = false && "Dog";
console.log("a2:", a2);

const b1 = "Cat" || "Dog"; 
console.log("b1:", b1);

let pet;
const ifYouCantChooseIllGetADog = pet || "Dog";
console.log("ifYouCantChooseIllGetADog:", ifYouCantChooseIllGetADog);

const notTrue = !true; // false
const notFalse = !false; // true

// Double bang does type conversion to boolean
const notNotTrue = !!true; // true;
const notNotFalse = !!false; // false;

const notNotCat = !!"Cat"; // true;
// const notNotCat = Boolean("Cat"); // same as above
const notNot0 = !!0; // false;
// const notNot0 = Boolean(0); // same as above

let result;
const notNotResult = !!result; // true if result is truty, false otherwise

'use strict'; 

    A classic problem in JavaScript is to check if a binding is of a certain type.        
    Since typeof returns unexpected values for some of the types, here is what
    you need to use in practice:        


let x;

// check if string (works with new String() also)
function isString (value) {    
    return typeof value === 'string' || value instanceof String;

// check if number (excludes NaN, Infinity)
function isNumber (value) {
    return typeof value === 'number' && isFinite(value);

// check if boolean
function isBoolean (value) {
    return typeof value === 'boolean';

// check if function
function isFunction (value) {
    return typeof value === 'function';

// check if array:
function isArray (value) {
    return Array.isArray(value);

// check if null
function isNull (value) {
    return value === null;

// check if null or undefined, note == instead of ===
function isNullOrUndefined (value) {
    return tvalue == null;

// check if undefined
function isUndefined (value) {
    return typeof value === 'undefined';

// check if object
function isObject (value) {
    return value && typeof value === 'object' && value.constructor === Object;

// check if error
function isError (value) {
    return value instanceof Error;

// check if date
function isDate (value) {
    return value instanceof Date;

'use strict';            


    A fragment of code that produces a value is called an "expression."
    An expression can be composed from several expressions.

    A "statement" is a piece of code that can be executed and performs some 
    kind of action and ending with a (optional) semicolon (;).

    There are several types of statements:
    * expression statements (expressions by there own)
    * declaration statements (bindings, function, class, etc)
    * control flow statements (if, switch, for, throw, try, catch, etc)
    * miscellaneous statements (debugger, import, label, with, etc)

    A JavaScript program is a list of statements.
    Normally, these statements are executed one after the other from top to bottom. 
    But this flow can be changed.

    Conditional execution is created with the "if" keyword in JavaScript. 
    Executes some code if, and only if, a certain condition holds.


const aNumber = Number("2");
if (!Number.isNaN(aNumber)) {
    console.log(`${aNumber} is the square root of ` + aNumber * aNumber);

const n = Number("one");
if (!Number.isNaN(n)) {
    console.log(`${n} is the square root of ` + n * n);
} else {
    console.log("Hey. Why didn't you give me a number?");

let num = 11;
if (num < 10) { 
} else if (num < 100) { 
} else { 

// When there are too many "else if" branches you can use "switch".
// You need to put a "break" after each case, otherwise, the next case is also
// executed! Regardless if the next case was matched or not!

const wheater = "";
switch (wheater) {
    case "rainy":
        console.log("Remember to bring an umbrella.");
    case "sunny":
        console.log("Dress lightly.");
    case "cloudy":
        console.log("Go outside.");
        console.log("Unknown weather type!");

// -- Exercises --

// The limited conversation of a teenager:
// If you ask him a question he says "Sure."
// If you yell at him he says "Woah, chill out!"
// In all other cases he says "Whatever."
function teenagerSays(conversation) {
    let result;
    // your code

    return result;
console.log(teenagerSays("Are you OK?")) // Sure
console.log(teenagerSays("Wake up! It's nearly noon")) // Woah, chill out!
console.log(teenagerSays("Dinner is ready")) // Whatever

'use strict';


    Each statement is terminated by a semicolon, except statements ending 
    with blocks { }.

    Semicolons are optional because there is a mechanism that does it for you, 
    called automatic semicolon insertion (ASI).

    * in some cases ASI is triggered unexpectedly 
    * and sometimes ASI unexpectedly is not triggered.

    If you don't like to add semicolons, you need to configure your linter to
    spot these unexpected cases for you.

// shouldn't but does inserts ;
const whatsTheSecret = function () {
        secretOfLife: 42
console.log('Secret is:', whatsTheSecret());

let sum, a = 1, b = 2;
// here a ; is inserted automatically
sum = a + b

'use strict'; 


    Hey mate! The following code is not working...
    It should just generate a random int between 1 and 10, easy right?
    We need the fix ASAP.
    If you could fix it before you go home... That would be great!

let max;
let random;

if (typeof max != number) {
    // today is my last day, I don't have time to finish this
    Math.random() * (max - minimum) + mininimum
} else {
    throw new Error('Please provide a number')

// check if correct
console.log('Random', random);
if(random < 1 || random > 10 || !Number.isInteger(random)) {
    throw new Error('Random should be an integer between 1 and ${max}!');
} else {
    console.log('It works!');

'use strict';

let array = [], string = '', something;

// check if an array is empty
if ( array.length ) { } // array not empty
if ( !array.length ) { } // array empty

// check if string is empty,
if ( string ) { } // string not empty
if ( !string ) { } // string empty

// check if truthy, matches everything except falsy values
if ( something ) { } 

// check if falsy, matches all falsy values 
if ( !something ) { } 

// check if boolean false 
if ( something === false ) { } 

'use strict';            


    There are several ways to do loops:
    - while
    - do while
    - for

    If you fail to set correctly the end loop condition, 
    you'll get an "infinite loop."


let number = 1;
while (number <= 5) { 
    number += 1; 

number = 1;
do {
    number +=1;
} while (number <= 5);

for (let number = 1; number <= 5; number++) { 

// break out of a loop using "break" or move to next iteration using "continue"
for (let current = 20; ; current = current + 1) {
    if (current % 7 == 0) {

/////// Iterables ////

const str = "Hello";
// You can get a char from a string using [] notation.
console.log(`First char in "${str}":`, str[0]);

// For...of lets you iterate over all Iterable types
for(let c of str) {

// For...in lets you iterate over all the indexes  
for(let c in str) {

// -- Exercises --
// TIP : comment the above code if you need an empty console 

Write a loop that produces the following console output:

// FizzBuzz
// Write a program that uses console.log to print all the numbers from 1 to 100,
// with two exceptions. For numbers divisible by 3, print "Fizz" instead of the
// number, and for numbers divisible by 5 (and not 3), print "Buzz" instead.

'use strict';

   A classic implementation of tags

const Operations = {
    SPAWN:  'SPAWN',
    MOVE:   'MOVE',
    RUN:    'RUN',
    // ... others

const _entity1 = {
    name: 'E1',
    tags: []

const _entity2 = {
    name: 'E2',
    tags: ['SPAWN']

const _entity100_000 = {
    name: 'E100K',
    tags: ['MOVE']

// setting an entity's tags 
_entity1.tags = [Operations.RUN];

// or updating

function _updateEntity(entity) {
    const entityTags = entity.tags;

    // has the SPAWN tag set?
    if(entityTags.indexOf(Operations.SPAWN) !== -1) console.log('spawn');

    // has the MOVE tag set?
    if(entityTags.indexOf(Operations.MOVE) !== -1) console.log('move');

    // has the RUN tag set?
    if(entityTags.indexOf(Operations.RUN) !== -1) console.log('run');

    // ..others


  In rare cases, when you need to squize every bit of performance at the cost 
  of maintenance and code readability, e.g. a game or a framework, you have 
  bitwise operators.


const EntityOperations = {
    SPAWN:  0b00000001,
    MOVE:   0b00000010,
    RUN:    0b00000100,
    // ... others

// the operations that needs to be performed on the entity, are encoded as a 
// number, each bit representing a different operation.
const entity1 = {
    name: 'E1',
    tags: 0b00000000

const entity2 = {
    name: 'E2',
    tags: 0b00000001

// lots of entities need to be processed fast
const entity100_000 = {
    name: 'E100K',
    tags: 0b00000010

// setting an entity's tags (reset all and set one bit)
entity1.tags = 0b0 | EntityOperations.RUN;    

// call this many many times
function updateEntity(entity) {
    const entityTags = entity.tags;
    // has the SPAWN bit set?
    if(entityTags & EntityOperations.SPAWN) console.log('spawn');

    // has the MOVE bit set?
    if(entityTags & EntityOperations.MOVE) console.log('move');

    // has the RUN bit set?
    if(entityTags & EntityOperations.RUN) console.log('run');

    //... others


Which code will print false three times?
In which case the pet will be "Dog"?
Which one detects correctly non-number arguments?
Which one detects an array?
Which one will output only "red" ?
Which on prints a, b and c?
'use strict';            


    A function is a subprogram wrapped in a value.
    The function is the most important concept in JavaScript.

    A function can take zero or more parameters.
    A function has a body.
    A function can return or not a value.

    A function can be used as a parameter to another function.
    A function can be returned from a function.

    To invoke a function use the function name followed by ().
    Pass the parameters between the (), separated by ,


// Function definition

// Defining a function with a parameter "x" 
// and a body "return x + 1"
function increment(x) {
    return x + 1;   
console.log("typeof increment:", typeof increment);

// Call the function
const two = increment(1);
console.log("Two:", two);

// A function without parameters 
function rnd() {
    return Math.random();

// A function that doesn't return a value, returns undefined
function log(str) {
const logResult = log("Captain's log, stardate 41153.7");
console.log("logResult:", logResult);

// Functions ignore the extra parameters
console.log("increment(4, 8, 15):", increment(4, 8, 15));

// If the function is called without parameters, they are undefined
console.log("increment():", increment());

// We can set default values for parameters
function decrement(x = 1) {
    return x - 1;
console.log("decrement():", decrement());
// But default values are used only for missing arguments
console.log("decrement(null):", decrement(null));

function decrement2(x) {
    x = x || 1;
    return x - 1;
console.log("decrement2(null):", decrement2(null));

// Use function as parameter
function repeat(fun, times) {
    for (let i=0; i < times; i++){
repeat(rnd, 10);

// Return function from function
function operation(simbol) {
    if(simbol === '+') return increment
    else if(simbol === '-') return decrement;
    else return undefined;
const plus = operation('+');
const minus = operation('-');

// get the functions
console.log("plus:", plus);

//minus function
console.log("minus:", minus);

// using the functions
console.log("plus(1):", plus(1));
console.log("minus(1):", minus(1));

'use strict';            


    So far we've seen functions created with the "Declaration notation."

    Function declarations are not part of the regular top-to-bottom 
    flow of control. It's like they are declared at the top.

    This rearrangement is called "function hoisting".

    There are also "function expressions" that are not hoisted.


// Call the function before it's declaration
const five = increment(4);
console.log("Five:", five);

// Function declaration
function increment(x) {
    return x + 1;   

// Call the function expression before it's initialized
// const two = square(4);
// const d = duplicate(3);

// Function expression
const square = function(x) { return x * x };

// Function expression
const duplicate = x => 2 * x;

// Functions that are invoked when declared are called Immediate functions.
(function (){

// -- Exercises --

// Make two functions with two parameters a and b and returns the sum of a and b
// First use a function definition and then use a function declaration

'use strict';            


    Another way to create functions is to use the "arrow notation."    
    In this case we don't use "function" keyword but "=>" instead.

    Functions declared this way behave a little differently also.

    These functions:
    - have no name, they are anonymous
    - don't have its own bindings to this or super, and should not be used as methods.
    - the { braces } and ( parentheses ) and "return" are optional


// With parameters
const increment = (x) => {
    return x + 1;

// If the function body is just a line, you can write it like this:
const decrement = x => x - 1; 

// With no parameters
const rnd = () => Math.random();

// With default parameters
const square = (x = 1) => x * x;

// With no return
const double = x => { x * 2 }

// -- Exercises --

// Implement an arrow function with 1 parameter that returns the square root

// Implement an arrow function with 2 parameter that returns the square root

// Implement an arrow function with parameters a, b, c with the logic a + b - c

'use strict';            


    When you define a function you specify the function *parameters*.
    When you call a function you specify the function *arguments*.

    The number of parameters and the number of arguments can be different.
    Functions can use unlimited number of arguments.

    If you pass too many arguments, the extra ones are ignored. 
    If you pass too few, the missing parameters get assigned to 'undefined'.


// Function has 'x' parameter
const adder = function(x) {
    return x + 1;

// Called with argument '1', x = 1

// When the function is called, the arguments are matched with parameters
// as if they were declared as regular bindings
function adderWhenExecuted() {
    let x = 1;
    return x + 1;

////////// Remaining arguments ////////////

// The way to get the remaining arguments is by prefixing the 
// last parameter with '...' 
const sum = function (x = 0, y = 0, ...rest) {
    let result = x + y;

    for (let i = 0; i < rest.length; i += 1) {
        result += rest[i];
    return result;

console.log(sum(1, 2)); 
console.log(sum(1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 100)); 

// "rest" will always be an array, even if it's empty. 
// It will not include values that are assigned to the x, y, and z parameters, 
// only anything else that's passed in beyond those first three values:
function test(x, y, z, ...rest) {
    console.log( x, y, z, rest );

test();                  // undefined undefined undefined []
test( 1, 2, 3 );         // 1 2 3 []
test( 1, 2, 3, 4 );      // 1 2 3 [ 4 ]
test( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );   // 1 2 3 [ 4, 5 ]

////////// How to check if an argument was provided ////////////

function double(x) {
    if(x === undefined) {
        throw new Error('Missing parameter x');
    return x * 2;

Which code executes the function?
Which code works?
Which one is an arrow function?
Which code prints 4?
Which one prints Hello?
Which code works?
Which code prints "Jon Snow"?
How we add two numbers?
Which is the correct check for missing parameter?
'use strict';            


    So far we've seen primitive data types:
    - numbers
    - strings
    - booleans
    - empty values : null & undefined
    - Symbols

    From these primitive types we can create complex types, called objects.

    An "object" is written as a list of properties between braces, 
    separated by commas. A property is a key / value pair. 
    Keys must be strings but values can be any type.


const spaceXcom = {
    "name" : "SpaceX",
    "headquarters" : "Hawthorne, California",
    "founded" : 2002,
    "defunct" : undefined

// Accessing properties
const companyName = spaceXcom.name;
console.log('companyName:', companyName);

const founded = spaceXcom['founded'];
console.log('founded:', founded);

// Accessing properties that don't exist return undefined
const owner = spaceXcom.owner;
console.log('owner:', owner);

const droneShip = {
    "name" : "Of Course I Still Love You",
    "landings": 16,
    "active": true,
    "operator" : spaceXcom,
    updateStatus : function(status) { this.status = status; }

// Functions attached to objects are called "methods"
// Methods have access to "this" which is the object they are attached on
let currentStatus = droneShip.status;
console.log('currentStatus:', currentStatus);

droneShip.updateStatus('On the move');
currentStatus = droneShip.status;
console.log('currentStatus:', currentStatus);

// Methods can be defined using a shorter way also
const asteroid = {
    distanceFromSun: 168.14 * 1_000_000, // km
    speed: 87.3, // km/s
    daysTillImpact() {
        return (this.distanceFromSun / this.speed) / (60 * 60 * 24)
console.log(asteroid.daysTillImpact(), 'days');

// How to check if the object has a property

if (! ('speed' in asteroid)) {
   console.log('No speed property') 
if (! ('acceleration' in asteroid)) {
    console.log('No acceleration property') 

// -- Exercises --

//Space age: calculate your age if you would live on another planet
const planets = {
    'Mercury': 0.2408467,
    'Venus': 0.61519726,
    'Mars': 1.8808158,
    'Jupiter': 11.862615,
    'Saturn': 29.447498,
    'Uranus': 84.016846,
    'Neptune': 164.79132,
    'Earth': 1
const ageOnPlanet = (age, planet) => age / (planets[planet] || 1)

const myage = 40;
const myageOnMars = ageOnPlanet(myage, 'Mars');
const myageOnEarth = ageOnPlanet(myage, 'Earth');
const myageOnJupiter = ageOnPlanet(myage, 'Jupiter');
const myageOnMercury = ageOnPlanet(myage, 'Mercury');

console.log('On Mars', myageOnMars);
console.log('On Earth', myageOnEarth);
console.log('On Jupiter', myageOnJupiter);
console.log('On Mercury', myageOnMercury);

'use strict';            


    Primitive types are immutable. They cannot be changed. 
    If you need an updated value, you need to create a new one.
    And we are fine with that.

    But objects are mutable. They can be changed. 
    You can change any piece of an object any time.
    Even when you bind the object in a 'const'.
    And we expect that also. 

    Being unable to modify an object is unacceptable for many people.


const spaceXcom = {
    "name" : "SpaceX",
    "headquarters" : "Hawthorne, California",
    "founded" : 2002,
    "defunct" : undefined

spaceXcom.name = "Solaris";

spaceXcom['defunct'] = 2030;

// You can even delete properties 
delete spaceXcom.name;

// You can make an object immutable using Object.freeze()
// spaceXcom.name = "x"; // throws error

// Shallow object cloning
var copy = Object.assign({}, spaceXcom);

// Merging objects
const position = {
    x: 100,
    y: 200
const shape = {
    name: "square"
const square = Object.assign({}, position, shape, { side: 10 })

// Define properties as functions
Object.defineProperty(square, 'area', {
    get() { return this.side * this.side; },
    set(area) { this.side = Math.sqrt(area) },
    enumerable: true,
    configurable: true
console.log(`Area: ${square.area}, side: ${square.side}`);

square.area = 400;
console.log(`Area: ${square.area}, side: ${square.side}`);

'use strict'; 


    Is very easy to introduce suble bugs, by mutating inner objects.  
    A good practice is avoid mutating the objects.


// from previously
let x = 100;
let y = x;
x = 0; 

// using objects
let xx = { a: 1, b : 2}
let yy = xx;
let zz = xx;
xx = null;

yy.a = 3; // changing yy changes zz!


// Bad Example

function copyDoc(originalDoc) {
    if (!originalDoc) {
        throw new Error('You need to provide a doc.');

    let copy = {
        author: originalDoc.author,
        metadata: originalDoc.metadata,

    copy.metadata.title = 'Copy of ' + originalDoc.metadata.title;
    return copy;

const doc = {
    author: 'Suzie Q',
    metadata: {
        title: 'Green River Earnings'

const docCopy = copyDoc(doc);



'use strict';

    Primitive types are not objects although they have properties.
    You can use those properties but cannot add new ones.

    Except for null and undefined, all primitive values have object equivalents 
    that wrap around the primitive values:
    1. String for the string primitive.
    2. Number for the number primitive.
    3. BigInt for the bigint primitive.
    4. Boolean for the boolean primitive.
    5. Symbol for the symbol primitive.

    Everytime you use a method on a primitive, what happens is this:
    a. the primitive is wrapped in the correspoding object, 
    b. the method is called on object
    c. the result of the method call, the new primitive, is returned
    d. the wrapper object is destroyed

const s = 'Big Brother is watching';
// s.status = 'active'; // throws error 

const n = 1984;
// n.status = 'captive'; // throws error

const b = true;
// b.status = 'afraid'; // throws error

'use strict';


    Let's say you have a custom object. And, strange enough, you think that 
    obj1 + obj2 or obj1 - obj2 should do something resonable.       
    You can convert your object to a primitive if it implements 
    Symbol.toPrimitive function.       

    [Symbol.toPrimitive] = function(hint) {
        // hint = one of "string", "number", "default"

let user = {
    name: "John",
    money: 1000,
    // hint will be one of "string", "number", "default" based on 
    // what operator is used on the object
    [Symbol.toPrimitive](hint) {      
        return hint == "string" ? `${this.name}, money: ${this.money}` : this.money;

console.log(user + user);
console.log(user - user);
console.log(user * user);


'use strict';


    Just as any other object, a function can have properties.
    You can set and reset properties as you like.  
    You can set other functions as properties of a function.

const adder = function(x) {
    return x + 1;

// set a string property to a function
adder.label = 'Adder';

// set a function property to a function
adder.sayHi = () => console.log('Hi!');

'use strict';

   Spread operator (...) and the destructuring asignment can be very useful to access object properties 
   or to do some otherwise complicated operations.    

const person = {
    name: "Jon",
    surname: "Snow"

const address = {
    city: "London",
    street: "Whitehall no. 10",
    country: "United Kingdom"

// make a copy
const personCopy = { ...person };
console.log(personCopy === person);

// merge objects 
const personData = {

// creating new objects on update
function updateInfo(info, prop, value) {
    return {
        [prop]: value
let newInfo = updateInfo(personData, 'city', 'New York');
newInfo = updateInfo(newInfo, 'country', 'USA');
newInfo = updateInfo(newInfo, 'street', '620 Eighth Avenue');

// Destructuring

// get specific values
const { name, city } = personData;
console.log(name, 'from', city);

// get values and set different bindings
const { name: personName, city: personCity } = personData;
console.log(personName, 'from', personCity);

// Destructuring arguments
function printInfo( {name, surname, city}) {
    console.log(name, surname, 'from', city);

'use strict';

    Map holds key-value pairs just like a plain object. 
    The differences between Map and objects are:
    * Map is iterable
    * Map provides a 'size' property, for objects you have to calculate it.
    * Map remembers the original insertion order of the keys, objects not.
    * Unlike objects, where only strings and symbols can be used as keys, any 
    value may be used as key or value in a Map.

const obj = {
    'a string' : "A value for 'a string'",
    'another string' : "A value for 'another string'",

// calculate size 
let size = Object.keys(obj).length;

// setting value
obj['a string'] = "A NEW value for 'a string'";

// getting value
console.log(`obj value for 'a string'`, obj['a string'] );

const map = new Map();

const keyString = 'a string',
        keyObj = {},
        keyFunc = function() {};

// Setting values
map.set(keyString, "A value for 'a string'");
map.set(keyObj, 'A value for keyObj');
map.set(keyFunc, 'A value for keyFunc');

map.size; // 3

// getting the values
console.log(`Value for ${keyString}`, map.get(keyString));    
console.log(`Value for ${keyObj}`, map.get(keyObj));       
console.log(`Value for ${keyFunc}`, map.get(keyFunc));      

const mapAsArray = [...map];

map.forEach( elem => {
    console.log('Value:', elem);

map.forEach( (elem, key) => {
    console.log('Key:', key, 'Value:', elem);

// creating a Map from an array
const mapFromArray = new Map([ [1, "uno"], [2, "due"], [3, "tre"] ]);
mapFromArray.forEach( (elem, key) => {
    console.log(`${key}: ${elem}`);

'use strict';


    JavaScript provides a data type specifically for storing sequences of values. 
    It is called an "array" and is written as a list of values between square 
    brackets, separated by commas.

    Arrays are mutable. You can add, remove or replace any value anytime.


// Array with 3 number values: a, b & c
const a = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
console.log('Array:', a);

// Type
console.log('type of a',typeof a);
console.log('better check if array', Array.isArray(a));

// To access a specific value, you need to know it's index
const first = a[0]; // index starts from 0

// Another way to get values from array with "destructuring assignment"
const [val0, val1] = a;
console.log('First two values:', val0, val1);

// We can even set default values if the array is too short
const [uno = 'X', due = 'Y'] = [];
console.log('First two values:', uno, due);

// Iterate over all elements
for(let i=0; i < a.length; i++){

console.log('Simpler iteration:')
for(let elem of a) {
console.log('Index iteration:')
for(let elem in a) {

// To replace a specific value, assing a new value at an index
a[1] = "B";
console.log('Array:', a);

// To find how many values are in an array use length property
const length = a.length;
console.log('Length', length);

// To add a new value (at the end) use "push"
console.log('Array after push:', a);

// To remove the last value use "pop"
console.log('Array after pop:', a);

// To add a new value (at the beginning) use "unshift"
console.log('Array after unshift:', a);

// To remove the first value use "shift"
console.log('Array after shift:', a);

// To remove elements at a specific index
a.splice(1, 2);
console.log('Array after splice:', a);

// Sort 
const arr = ['b', 'c', 'd', 'a']
arr.sort( (a, b) => {
    if (a < b) return -1;    
    if (a > b) return 1;
    return 0;

// Merging arrays
const tobe = ['To', 'Be'];
const question = tobe.concat(['Or', 'Not']).concat(tobe);

// Iterating over objects
const spaceXcom = {
    "name" : "SpaceX",
    "headquarters" : "Hawthorne, California",
    "founded" : 2002
const keys = Object.keys(spaceXcom);
for(let key of keys) {

for(let key in spaceXcom) {

const entries = Object.entries(spaceXcom);
for(let entry of entries) {

'use strict';


    A good programming practice is to not mutate existing data but to create 
    new data based on existing data.

    Arrays provide a set o methods that create new arrays instead of mutating
    the existing array.


// How to make a sandwich
const ingredients = ['🍅', '🥬', '🥓', '🧀'];

// Cut all ingredients 
const ingredientsInPieces = ingredients.map( x =>  x + 'pcs')

// Put all ingredients together
const sandwich = ingredientsInPieces.reduce( ( acc, item ) => {
    return acc + ' ' + item;
}, '🥪 = Put between two slices of 🍞:');

// Filter 
const vegetarianIngredients = ingredients.filter ( x => x !== '🥓')
console.log('Vegetarian ingredients:', vegetarianIngredients)

// Find first veggie
const veggie = ingredients.find( x =>  x !== '🥓');
console.log('First veggie:', veggie)

// -- Exercises --

// Implement your version of 'map' using a for loop
const map = function(array, transform) {
    const result = [];
    for (let elem of array) {
        // Implement me
    return result;
const mapped = map( [1, 2, 3], x => x * x ) 
console.log('Mapped:', mapped); // should be [1, 4, 9]

// Implement your version of 'reduce' using a for loop
const reduce = function(array, combine, start) {
    const result = start;
    for (let elem of array) {
        // Implement me
    return result;
const reduced = reduce( [1, 2, 3], (a, b) => a + b , 0) 
console.log('Reduced:', reduced); // should be 6

// Implement your version of 'filter' using a for loop
const filter = function(array, predicate) {
    const result = [];
    for (let elem of array) {
        // Implement me
    return result;
const filtered = filter( [1, 2, 3], (x) => x > 1 ) 
console.log('Filtered:', filtered); // should be [2, 3] 

// Doubles 
const doubles = [1, 2, 3].map( x => 0 /* Implement me */);
console.log('Doubles:', doubles); // should be [2, 4, 6]

// Sum
const sum = [1, 2, 3].reduce( (a, b) => 0 /* Implement me */, 0);
console.log('Sum:', sum)

// Caesar code
const encode = (str, key) => {
    const letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
    const code = letters.substring(key) + letters.substring(0, key);
    const map = letters.split('').reduce( (acc, current, index) => {
        acc[current] = code[index]
        acc[current.toUpperCase()] = code[index].toUpperCase()
        return acc;
    }, {})

    return str.split('').map( a => map[a] || a).join('')

const decode = (str, key) => {
    return encode(str, 26 - key);

const key = 11;
const encoded = encode("Et tu, Brute?", key);
const decoded = decode(encoded, key);

'use strict';


    It can be useful for a function to accept any number of arguments.
    You can pass arrays to these functions using the "spread syntax".


const sum = (...numbers) => {
    return numbers.reduce( (total, current) => total + current, 0)

const numbersToAdd = [5, 6, 7];
const result = sum(...numbersToAdd);

// Merging arrays
const words = ["never", "fully"];
const sentence = ["will", ...words, "understand"]

// Creating new array from elements of another array
const otherNumbers = [...numbersToAdd];

// -- Exercises --

// High scores
// Given a list of scores, sorted by date, most recent first, show a report with
// 1. latest score
// 2. latest === best ? "This is your best" : "This is only {diff} from your best"

const scores = [99, 90, 26, 67, 100, 13];
const latest = scores[0];
const best = Math.max(...scores);
const diff = best - latest;

const report =`
    Latest score: ${latest}
    This is${diff > 0 ? ' only ' + diff + ' from' : ''} your best

'use strict';


    It's common to transform strings in arrays, make some operations on the array
    and transform the string back to an array.


const chars = 'JavaScript'.split('');

const words = 'JavaScript: The Good Parts'.split(' ');

const w = ['Now', 'I', 'am', 'become', 'Death', 
           'the', 'destroyer', 'of', 'worlds'];

const sentence = w.join(' ');

const formatted = '__a_a___'.split('').join(' ');

const reversed = 'JavaScript'.split('').reverse().join('');

'use strict';


    It's important to know that the arrays are objects. 
    Things are a bit confusing in this case because the [ ] are used 
    not only to get or set array elements but also array properties.   
    Please don't do this, ok?


const samsonite = [];

// All good
samsonite[0] = "Zero";

// Wait what
samsonite[-1] = "Minus One";

// Objects have properties, right?
samsonite['color'] = 'rebeccapurple';

// Objects can have function properties, no?
samsonite.sayHi = () => "Hi!";


// Can you guess the length?
// console.log('Length:', samsonite.length);

samsonite[9] = 'Nine';

// Can you guess the length?
// console.log(samsonite.length);

// console.log('9th:',samsonite[8]);
// console.log('777th:',samsonite[776]);

// And of course if you are tired to guessing the length
// you can set it to whatever you want and be done with it
// samsonite.length = 5;
// console.log(samsonite.length);

'use strict';


    Sets are collections of values. You can iterate through the elements of a 
    set in insertion order. A value in the Set may only occur once; it is 
    unique in the Set's collection.

    When you need a collection of unique values consider using a Set instead of
    an array.

const array = [1, 2, 3];

// length
console.log( array.length );

// add element

// update element 
array[0] = 11;

// get element 
console.log( array[0] );

const set = new Set();


// size 
console.log( set.size )

// add element

// remove element 

// has element 
console.log( set.has(1) );

const setElements = [...set];

// iterate elements
set.forEach(elem => console.log(elem));

'use strict'; 


    Hey mate! The response is way to big for this font request 
    We know the texts that should use that font so and we plan to call it:
    You job is to collect all the chars we used in our texts and and return them.
    By the way we need this ASAP, so if you can do it in a hour.. 
    That would be great!


// ['Abc'] => 'Abc'
// ['Abc', 'Ade'] => 'Adcde'
// ['Help', 'Yelp'] => 'HelpY'
function getUniqueCharsAsString(strings) {    
    // add chars here
    const uniqueChars = new Set();    

    //// YOU CODE HERE ////

    // return chars as string        


console.log(getUniqueCharsAsString(['Abc'])); // logs 'Abc'
console.log(getUniqueCharsAsString(['Abc', 'Ade'])); // logs 'Adcde'
console.log(getUniqueCharsAsString(['Help', 'Yelp'])); // logs 'HelpY'
'use strict';


    Regular expressions are both terribly awkward and extremely useful. 
    Their syntax is cryptic but they are a powerful tool for inspecting and 
    processing strings.     

    You can make regular expressions using the RegExp class or the / / notation.
    RegExp class is used when you need to make dynamic expressions.
    Since the / / notation is shorter, we'll use it in most cases.


const v1 = new RegExp("abc");
const v2 = /abc/;

// Testing strings
let hasPass = /pass/.test('What happened in the Dyatlov Pass?');
console.log('has "pass":', hasPass);

hasPass = /Pass/.test('The Harrowing Mystery Of The Dyatlov Pass Incident');
console.log('has "Pass":', hasPass);

const hasAnyDigit = /[0-9]/.test(`
    In January 1959, nine Soviet college students were killed 
    under mysterious circumstances while hiking through the 
    Ural Mountains in what's now known as the Dyatlov Pass incident.`);

console.log('hasAnyDigit:', hasAnyDigit);

const text = `
    One night, at -25, the hikers fled their tents while
    partially clothed and without shoes. 
    None of the hikers were ever seen alive again.

// Find a match
const match = text.match(/the/);
console.log('match:', match);

const allMatches = text.match(/the/g);
console.log('all matches:', allMatches);

// Replace substrings
const replaced = text.replace(/the/g, "THE")
console.log('replaced:', replaced);

// Regular expressions also have an exec (execute)
// method that will return null if no match was found
// and return an object with information about the match otherwise
const m = /the/.exec(text);
console.log('exec match:', m);

// Using exec for iterating over all matches
const pattern = /the/g;
let aMatch;
while (aMatch = pattern.exec(text)) {
    console.log("Found", aMatch[0], "at", aMatch.index);

// Parse and evaluate simple math word problems 
// returning the answer as an integer.
// What is 5 plus 13 plus 6? 24
const parse = (str) => {   
    const operators = str.match(/minus+|plus+|multiplied+|divided+/g)
    const numbers = (str.match(/[-]\d+|\d+/g) || []).map(aMatch => Number(aMatch));

    if(!operators || operators.length !== numbers.length - 1) {
        throw new Error(`I don't understand the question: ${str}`);

    const operations = {
        plus: (a, b) => a + b,
        minus: (a, b) => a - b,
        multiplied: (a, b) => a * b,
        divided: (a, b) => a / b,

    return numbers.reduce((acc, number) => {
        const op = operators.shift();
        const fun = operations[op];
        return fun ? fun(acc, number) : acc;
let question = "What is 2 multiplied by -2 multiplied by 3?";
let result = parse(question);
console.log(question, result);

question = "What is -12 divided by 2 divided by -3?";
result = parse(question);
console.log(question, result);

question = "What is 20 minus 4 minus 13?";
result = parse(question);
console.log(question, result);

'use strict';


    JavaScript objects can be serialized as JSON strings to be 
    send over the network or saved somewhere.

    JSON strings can be transformed back in JavaScript objects.
    - only " " are allowed for strings (no ' ' or ` `)
    - keys don't have to be enclosed in " " unless they have multiple words
    - functions cannot be serialized


const unsolvedCase = {
    name : "Dyatlov Pass Incident",
    date : "February 2nd, 1959",
    "case solved" : false,
    location: {
        country: "USSR",
        place: "Northern Ural Mountains"
    victims: [
        "Igor Dyatlov", 
        "Yuri Doroshenko", 
        "Lyudmila Dubinina",
        "Yuri (Georgiy) Krivonischenko",
        "Alexander Kolevatov",
        "Zinaida Kolmogorova",
        "Rustem Slobodin",
        "Nicolai Thibeaux-Brignolles",
        "Semyon (Alexander) Zolotariov"
    survivors: []

// obj -> string
const jsonString = JSON.stringify(unsolvedCase);

// string -> obj
const obj = JSON.parse(jsonString);

// pretty print
const pretty = JSON.stringify(unsolvedCase, null, '\t');
console.log('Pretty print:','\n', pretty);

'use strict';  


    The Date object is a built-in object in JavaScript that stores the date 
    and time. It provides a number of built-in methods for formatting and 
    managing that data.


const aDate = new Date('December 17, 1995 03:24:00');

const now = new Date();

// time
const hours = now.getHours()
const minutes = now.getMinutes();
const time = (hours < 10 ? '0' + hours : hours) + 
                ':' +   
                (minutes < 10 ? '0' + minutes : minutes) 
console.log('What time it is?', time);

// day
function whatDayIsToday() {
    const day = now.getDay(); // Sunday - Saturday : 0 - 6
    let dayName;
        case 0: dayName = 'Sunday'; break;
        case 1: dayName = 'Monday'; break;
        case 2: dayName = 'Tuesday'; break;
        case 3: dayName = 'Wednesday'; break;
        case 4: dayName = 'Thursday'; break;
        case 5: dayName = 'Friday'; break;
        case 6: dayName = 'Saturday'; break;
    return dayName;
console.log(`Enjoy the rest of your ${whatDayIsToday()}!`);

// dates are mutable 
function whatDayIsOn(dayOfTheMonth) {
    // now
    const date = new Date();
    // set new day 
    const day = date.getDay(); // Sunday - Saturday : 0 - 6
    let dayName;
        case 0: dayName = 'Sunday'; break;
        case 1: dayName = 'Monday'; break;
        case 2: dayName = 'Tuesday'; break;
        case 3: dayName = 'Wednesday'; break;
        case 4: dayName = 'Thursday'; break;
        case 5: dayName = 'Friday'; break;
        case 6: dayName = 'Saturday'; break;
    return dayName;
const dayOfMonth = 2;
    `What day is ${dayOfMonth} days from now? 
    It's a ${whatDayIsOn(now.getDate() + dayOfMonth)}`);

// save dates as timestamp so that can be displayed correctly
// in different time zones
const timestamp = Date.now(); // new Date().getTime();
console.log('timestamp', timestamp);
console.log('Local time:', new Date(timestamp).toLocaleString());

const nyTime = new Date(timestamp)
                .toLocaleString("en-US", {timeZone: "America/New_York"})
console.log('New York time:', nyTime);

const tokyo = new Date()
                .toLocaleString("ja-JP", {timeZone: "Asia/Tokyo"});
console.log('Tokyo time:', tokyo);

'use strict';


    JavaScript is single threaded. When an error occurs, it is propagated 
    all the way to the top and the program stops.

    It's a good idea to check function arguments and prevent errors 
    if the function can work correctly with bad arguments. 

    You can throw errors yourself if you can't continue with bad arguments.
    You can use try/catch blocks to handle errors, so the program can continue.


// v.1 Default implementation of a "sum" function
const sum1 = (a, b) => {
    return a + b
console.log('1 + 2:', sum1(1, 2) );
console.log('1 + undefined:', sum1(1) );
console.log('null + undefined:', sum1(null) );
console.log('1 + a:', sum1(1, 'a') );

// v.2 We can use default arguments
// that are used only if the argument is not provided
const sum2 = (a = 0, b = 0) => {
    return a + b
console.log('1 + 2:', sum2(1, 2) );
console.log('1 + 0:', sum2(1) );
console.log('null + 0:', sum2(null) );
console.log('1 + a:', sum2(1, 'a') );

// v.3 Throw errors and handle them
const sum3 = (a = 0, b = 0) => {
    const isNumber = value => typeof value === 'number' && isFinite(value);
    if(!isNumber(a) || !isNumber(b)) {
        throw new Error('Invalid argument, expecting a number');
    return a + b

console.log('1 + 2:', sum3(1, 2) );
console.log('1 + 0:', sum3(1) );

try {
    console.log('null + 0:', sum3(null) );
    console.log('1 + a:', sum3(1, 'a') );
catch(e) {

// v.4 There is no "assert" in JavaScript 
// but we can implement it very easy

function assert(condition, message) {
    if(!condition) {
        throw new Error(message || 'Assertion failed');

const sum4 = (a = 0, b = 0) => {
    const isNumber = value => typeof value === 'number' && isFinite(value);
    assert(isNumber(a), `Expecting a number but got ${a}`);
    assert(isNumber(b), `Expecting a number but got ${b}`);

    return a + b
console.log('1 + 2:', sum4(1, 2) );
console.log('1 + 0:', sum4(1) );

try {
    console.log('null + 0:', sum4(null) );
    console.log('1 + a:', sum4(1, 'a') );
catch(e) {

// JSON.parse throws error for bad input
const parseData = str => {
    try {
        return JSON.parse(str);
    catch(e) {
        console.warn('JSON Error', e);
        return null; 
console.log( parseData() );
console.log( parseData('') )
console.log( parseData('[1,2,3]') )
console.log( parseData('[1,2,3') )

// Finally
const parseJSON = str => {
    try {
        return JSON.parse(str);
    catch(e) {
        return null;
    finally {
        // do cleanup here
        // BUT DO NOT return 
        return 0;
console.log(parseJSON('anything')); // 0 !!

window.onerror = function (msg, url, lineNo, columnNo, error) {
    console.log('Worst case scenario error', msg, url, lineNo, columnNo, error);

throw Error('Boom!');

'use strict';


    Normally, things happen one at a time. When you call a function you wait
    for it to return. The program will not execute other code until
    the current returns.

    Asynchronous code allows multiple things to happen at the same time. 
    When you start an async action, your program continues to run. 
    When the async action finishes, the program is informed and gets access 
    to the result (for example, the data read from network).


// console.time and console.timeEnd can be used to calculate time difference 
// between two code points. Just provide the same label to both time and timeEnd

/////// Callbacks /////

// setTimeout(func, numberOfMillisToWait) is a function that allows us to
// call a function later

const callback = () => { console.timeEnd('timeout') };
const after = 1000;
// execute 'callback' function after 1000 ms
setTimeout(callback, after);

/////// Promises //////
// function executor(success, fail) {}
// const promise = new Promise(executor);
// promise.then(callback) // callback(result)
// promise.catch(callback) // callback(error)

const promise = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
    const yesOrNo = Math.random() < 0.5;
    setTimeout( () => { 
        yesOrNo? resolve('Success') : reject('Error')
    }, 2000)
promise.then( result => { 
    // then is called on success (resolved)
}).catch( err => {
    // catch is called on error (rejected)
}).finally( () => {
    // called in both cases

    - Daddy, can you tell me a joke?
    - I don't know one now honey, but I *promise* you I'll find one.
    A bit later..
    - Honey, I know a joke!
    - Really? What which one?
    - Why do bears have hairy coats? Fur protection.

// dad
const Dad = (function() {    
    const promise = new Promise( (infoFound, cannotFindInfo) => {
        const fetchPromise = fetch('https://icanhazdadjoke.com/' , { headers: {'Accept': 'application/json' }})

            .then( (data) => { infoFound(data.json());})
            .catch( err => cannotFindInfo(err));

    return {
        makesPromise : () => promise

// // honey
const dadPromise = Dad.makesPromise();
    .then( whatDaddyFound => {
        console.log('whatDaddyFound', whatDaddyFound);
    .catch( error => {
        console.log('Daddy couldn\'t find a joke :( ');

// /////// async / await //////
async function getJoke() {
    const data = await fetch('https://icanhazdadjoke.com/', {headers: {'Accept': 'application/json' }})
    .then(response => response.json());
    let joke = data.joke;
    if(joke.length > 80) {
        joke = joke.substring(0, 80)+'\n'+joke.substring(80)

try {
catch(err) {

'use strict';            


    Most of the time you'll create objects using the object literal notation. 
    But you can also use classes to make new types.

    There are no private properties.
    There are not abstract classes in JavaScript.
    There are no interfaces in JavaScript.


// object literal
const song = {
    "name": "Eye of the Tiger",
    "artist" : "Survivor",    
    "genre" : "Rock"

////// Defining a class ///////

class Song {

    // private props
    #type = "Song"

    constructor(name, artist = '', genre = '') {
        this.name = name;
        this.artist = artist;
        this.genre = genre;

    #format() {
        return `Name: ${this.name} \nArtist: ${this.artist} \nGenre: ${this.genre}`;

    info() {
        return `[>${this.#type}<]\n${this.#format()}`

    static fromJSON({name, artist, genre}) {
        return new Song(name, artist, genre);

const eyeOfTheTiger = new Song("Eye of the Tiger", "Survivor", "Rock");

const somebodyToLove = new Song("Somebody to Love", 
                            "Jefferson Airplane", "Psychedelic rock");


// Objects are mutable, of course 
somebodyToLove.genre = "Rock";

// Static methods
const songFromJSON = Song.fromJSON({name:'The End', 
                                    artist:'The Doors', 

// Find out what is it
console.log('Type:',typeof somebodyToLove);
console.log('Song?', somebodyToLove instanceof Song);

//////  Extending another class /////

class Single extends Song {
    constructor(label, name, artist = '', genre = '') {
        // must call super 
        super(name, artist, genre);
        this.label = label;

    // extending methods
    info() {
        let songInfo = super.info();
        return `${songInfo} \nLabel: ${this.label}`

    // new methods
    tagline() {
        return `${this.label} presents ${this.name} by ${this.artist}`
    // static methods
    static clone(single) {
        return new Single(single.label, single.name, single.artist, single.genre);

const bohemianRhapsodySingle = new Single("EMI", "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Queen", "Rock");

// new method

// overriden method

console.log('Single?', bohemianRhapsodySingle instanceof Single)
console.log('Song?', bohemianRhapsodySingle instanceof Song)

// using static method clone
const clone = Single.clone(bohemianRhapsodySingle);

///////// Private members with Closures /////////

const Album = (function() {

    const nameSymbol = Symbol("name");
    const artistSymbol = Symbol("artist");

    class Album {

        constructor(name, artist) {
            this[nameSymbol] = name;
            this[artistSymbol] = artist

        get name(){ return this[nameSymbol] }
        get artist(){ return this[artistSymbol] }

    return Album;

const theWallAlbum = new Album('The Wall', 'Pink Floyd');
const ummagummaAlbum = new Album('Ummagumma', 'Pink Floyd');

console.log(theWallAlbum.name, theWallAlbum.artist)
console.log(ummagummaAlbum.name, ummagummaAlbum.artist)

// Cannot change name anymore
// theWallAlbum.name = 'X';

// Symbols are unique, so you cannot "recreate" the nameSymbol

'use strict';


    A module is a piece of program that can group related functions,
    or that can hide state and functions providing access to its 
    functionality through a public interface.


// usually each module stays in it's own file, e.g. utils.js
const utils = (function() {

    const random = (min = 0, max = 1) => Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
    const hashCode = (s) => {
        let h;
        for(let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
                h = Math.imul(31, h) + s.charCodeAt(i) | 0;
        return h;

    return {
        rnd: random,
        hash: hashCode
console.log( utils.rnd())
console.log( utils.hash('Hello'));

//////  Hiding state /////

const counter = (function(){

    let count = 0;

    return {
        increase: () => count++,
        decrease: () => count--,
        getCounter: () => count



///// Hiding state and functionality /////

const todoApp = (function(){

    let id = 123; 
    let todos = []; 
    const makeTodo = (str, done) => ({ text: str, done: done, id: id++ })

    const addTodo = (str, done = false) => {
        const newTodo = makeTodo(str, done);

    const removeTodo = (id) => {
        todos = todos.filter(aTodo => aTodo.id !== id);

    const completeTodo = (id) => {        
        const todo = todos.find(aTodo => aTodo.id === id);
        if(todo) {
            todo.done = true;

    return {
        add : addTodo,
        remove: removeTodo,
        complete: completeTodo,
        list: () => [...todos],
        prettyPrint: () => {
            const formatTodo = t => t.done ? `[${t.text} DONE]`: t.text;
            const formatted = todos.map(formatTodo).join(' + ');
            return formatted;

console.log('Initial', todoApp.prettyPrint());

// add todos
todoApp.add('Buy food');
todoApp.add('Buy beer');
todoApp.add('Drink beer');

// prettyPrint todos
console.log('All set:', todoApp.prettyPrint());

// complete todo
const currentTodos = todoApp.list();

console.log('Some completed:', todoApp.prettyPrint());

// remove todos

// list todos again
console.log('Remaining:', todoApp.prettyPrint());

'use strict';


    Initially, Javascript did not have a way to import/export modules. So people 
    attempted to add modularity to Javascript. There were several of them CJS, 
    AMD, UMD, and ESM. 
    Finally, ESM - ES Modules - were made the standard and are available now in 
    both browsers and Node.js

    Each module is implemented in it's own file. Outside is available only the 
    things you export. The exported things can then be imported.
    A ESM javascript file can be used in two ways:
    * using .mjs extension 
        <script src= 'mymodule.mjs'></script>

    * using type=module
        <script src= 'mymodule.js' type="module"></script>


// utils.mjs 

export function random(min = 0, max = 1){
    return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;

export function hashCode(s) {
    let h;
    for(let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
            h = Math.imul(31, h) + s.charCodeAt(i) | 0;
    return h;

// main.js
import { hashCode } from './utils.mjs'


// counter.mjs

let count = 0;

export const counter = {
    increase: () => count++,
    decrease: () => count--,
    getCounter: () => count

// main.js
import * as cntr from './counter.mjs'


// todos.mjs

let id = 0; 
const todosSymbol = Symbol("todos");

class Todos {
    constructor() {
        this[todosSymbol] = [];
    addTodo(str) {
        const newTodo = { text: str, done: false, id: ++id};
        this[todosSymbol] = [...this[todosSymbol], newTodo];

    removeTodo(id) {
       this[todosSymbol] = [...this[todosSymbol].filter(aTodo => aTodo.id !== id)]

    completeTodo(id) {        
        this[todosSymbol] = this[todosSymbol].map(aTodo => aTodo.id === id 
                                    ? { ...aTodo, done: true } 
                                    : aTodo);
    todos() {
        return this[todosSymbol].map(todo => ({ ...todo}))

export default Todos;

// main.js
import Todos from './todos.mjs'

const todos = new Todos();
todos.addTodo('Wash my hands ASAP');
todos.addTodo('Use as mask');
todos.addTodo('Buy toilet paper');

const washHandsTodo = todos.todos()[0];

todos.todos().map(t => {

       d8888      888                                                  888          
      d88888      888                                                  888          
     d88P888      888                                                  888          
    d88P 888  .d88888 888  888  8888b.  88888b.   .d8888b .d88b.   .d88888          
   d88P  888 d88" 888 888  888     "88b 888 "88b d88P"   d8P  Y8b d88" 888          
  d88P   888 888  888 Y88  88P .d888888 888  888 888     88888888 888  888          
 d8888888888 Y88b 888  Y8bd8P  888  888 888  888 Y88b.   Y8b.     Y88b 888          
d88P     888  "Y88888   Y88P   "Y888888 888  888  "Y8888P "Y8888   "Y88888          
  888888                             .d8888b.                   d8b          888    
    "88b                            d88P  Y88b                  Y8P          888    
     888                            Y88b.                                    888    
     888  8888b.  888  888  8888b.   "Y888b.    .d8888b 888d888 888 88888b.  888888 
     888     "88b 888  888     "88b     "Y88b. d88P"    888P"   888 888 "88b 888    
     888 .d888888 Y88  88P .d888888       "888 888      888     888 888  888 888    
     88P 888  888  Y8bd8P  888  888 Y88b  d88P Y88b.    888     888 888 d88P Y88b.  
     888 "Y888888   Y88P   "Y888888  "Y8888P"   "Y8888P 888     888 88888P"   "Y888 
   .d88P                                                            888             
 .d88P"                                                             888             
888P"                                                               888             


'use strict';            


    Bindings and parameters are visible only in some parts of a program.
    The part of a program where a binding is visible is called a "scope."

    Bindings declared outside any scope belong to the global scope.
    Blocks of code create new scopes.
    Functions create new scopes.


const globalVar = "Global variable";
const x = 1;

const castle=`
                                |  King |
                    | Noblemen |.......|.........|
Enemy | Poor people |..........|.......|.........|.......|


const outside = "Enemies at the gates";

    const behindOuterWalls = "Poor people";
    console.log('Poor people see', outside);
    //console.log('Poor people don\'t see', behindInnerWalls);
    //console.log('Poor people don\'t see', behindPalaceWalls);

        const behindInnerWalls = "Noblemen";        

        console.log('Noblemen see', outside);
        console.log('Noblemen see', behindOuterWalls);
        //console.log('Noblemen don\'t see', behindPalaceWalls);

            const behindPalaceWalls = "King";        
            console.log('King sees', outside);
            console.log('King sees', behindOuterWalls);
            console.log('King sees', behindInnerWalls);

function makeScope(bindings, outerScope) {
    return {
        _outer: outerScope

// Let's make scopes

const outsideScope = makeScope({ outside: "Enemy"});

const outerWallScope = makeScope({ behindOuterWalls: "Poor people"}, 

const innerWallsScope = makeScope({ behindInnerWalls: "Noblemen"}, 

const palaceWallsScope = makeScope({ behindPalaceWalls: "King"}, 

function findValue(bindingName, scope) {
    return scope[bindingName] || findValue(bindingName, scope._outer);

const key = 'outside';
console.log(`King see '${key}':`, findValue(key, palaceWallsScope));
console.log(`Noblemen see '${key}':`, findValue(key, innerWallsScope));
console.log(`Poor people see '${key}':`, findValue(key, outerWallScope));

// Temporal dead zone
// Referencing the variable in the block before the initialization results 
// in a ReferenceError
    var y = 2;
    // console.log(x);
    let x = 2;
'use strict';               


    Functions create scope.     

    The difference is that in the function scope we also have the parameters.

const castle=`
                                |  King |
                    | Noblemen |.......|.........|
Enemy | Poor people |..........|.......|.........|.......|


const outside = "Enemies at the gates";

function outerWalls() {
    const behindOuterWalls = "Poor people";
    console.log('Poor people see', outside);

    //console.log('Poor people don\'t see', behindInnerWalls);
    //console.log('Poor people don\'t see', behindPalaceWalls);

    function innerWalls() {
        const behindInnerWalls = "Noblemen";        

        console.log('Noblemen see', outside);
        console.log('Noblemen see', behindOuterWalls);
        //console.log('Noblemen don\'t see', behindPalaceWalls);

        function palaceWalls () {
            const behindPalaceWalls = "King";        
            console.log('King sees', outside);
            console.log('King sees', behindOuterWalls);
            console.log('King sees', behindInnerWalls);


// Execute

'use strict';    


    By default, the JavaScript engine creates an execution context and a scope 
    to hold all the bindings you make. This default execution context is called 
    the "Global execution context" and the default scope is called "Global scope".

    Every piece of code has access to the Global scope and can modify the things
    saved on the Global scope. So keeping things on Global scope is a bad idea.

    Every time a function is *executed*, the JavaScript engine creates a new 
    execution context, called "Local execution context" and a new scope, 
    called "Local scope." This local scope can be used by the function to
    hold bindings used by the function.
    The execution context is added on the "Call stack" - that works like a 
    "Last in, First out" queue. This way the execution context has access 
    to the Local scopes of all the functions on Call stack plus the Global scope.

    When the function has finished executing, it is removed from the Call stack
    and its Local execution context and Local scope is destroyed.  


////// Call stack mock //////
const CallStack = (function(){
    const stack =['global'];

    function show() {
        let str = `Call stack:\n============================\n`;
        str += [...stack].reverse().map(aFun => '{ ' + aFun + ' }').join('\n')

    return {
        push: (f) => { stack.push(f); show()},
        pop: () => { stack.pop(); show() },

//// Global Execution Context + Global Memory (aka Global Scope)

const castle=`
                                |  King |
                    | Noblemen |.......|.........|
Enemy | Poor people |..........|.......|.........|.......|


// Saved on Global memory
const outside = "Enemies at the gates"; 

// Saved on Global memory
function outerWalls() {
    // 'outerWalls' execution context + 'outerWalls' local memory

    // Saved on 'outerWalls' local memory
    const behindOuterWalls = "Poor people";
    // Saved on 'outerWalls' local memory
    function innerWalls() {
        // 'innerWalls' execution context + 'innerWalls' local memory
        // Saved on 'innerWalls' local memory
        const behindInnerWalls = "Noblemen";        

        // Saved on 'innerWalls' local memory
        function palaceWalls () {
            // 'palaceWalls' execution context + 'palaceWalls' local memory
            // Saved on 'palaceWalls' local memory
            const behindPalaceWalls = "King";    
            // palaceWalls done

        // Execute palaceWalls
        // Get "palaceWalls" from local memory
        // Execute palaceWalls: A new Local execution context + Local memory(scope) is created
        // innerWalls done

    // Get "innerWalls" from local memory
    // Execute innerWalls: A new Local execution context + Local memory(scope) is created
    // outerWalls done


// Get "outerWalls" from Global memory
// Execute outerWalls: Local execution context + Local memory(scope) is created

// The Call stack is not unlimited,
// is possible to fill it using recursive functions
// and then you'll get "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error
let callStackSize = 0;
function recursive() {
    return recursive();

'use strict';   

    When a function uses outside bindings, a *closure* is created.

    A closure is a function that has access to the parent scope, 
    even after the scope has closed.


const castle=`
                                |  King |
                    | Noblemen |.......|.........|
Enemy | Poor people |..........|.......|.........|.......|


const outside = "Enemies at the gates";

function outerWalls() {
    const behindOuterWalls = "Poor people";
    console.log('Poor people see', outside);

    //console.log('Poor people don\'t see', behindInnerWalls);
    //console.log('Poor people don\'t see', behindPalaceWalls);
    function innerWalls() {
        const behindInnerWalls = "Noblemen";        

        console.log('Noblemen see', outside);
        console.log('Noblemen see', behindOuterWalls);
        //console.log('Noblemen don\'t see', behindPalaceWalls);

        function palaceWalls () {
            const behindPalaceWalls = "King";        
            console.log('King sees', outside);
            console.log('King sees', behindOuterWalls);
            console.log('King sees', behindInnerWalls);

        // Return, not execute
        return palaceWalls;

    // Return, not execute
    return innerWalls;

// Execute outerWalls
const innerWalls = outerWalls(); 
// outerWalls has finished executing, 
// its local execution context and local scope should be gone!

const palaceWalls = innerWalls();
// innerWalls has finished executing, 
// its local execution context and local scope should be gone!

// Somehow when we execute palaceWalls, we can still see the bindings
// from innerWalls and outerWalls

    Let's debug a simple example    

/////////// A simpler example ////////

const outside = "Enemy";

// Saved on Global scope
function outer() {

    // use outside

    // Saved on 'outer' scope
    const noblemen = "Noblemen";        
    const unused = "unused";
    // Saved on 'outer' scope
    function inner () {
        console.log('Inner uses', noblemen);


    // Return 'inner'
    // 'inner' uses bindings from 'outer' scope
    // so it "packs" the bindings it needs in a new scope called "closure"
    // and takes that pack with it
    return inner;

// Get 'outer' from Global memory
// Execute outer: Local execution context + Local memory(scope) is created
const inner = outer();



'use strict';            


    Bindings saved in closure are LIVE!!!
    When the binding value changes, the new value is available in function.


function makeBot() {
    //////// makeBot starts, a new scope is created

    // makeBot's scope binding
    const name = 'Bot';

    // returns a function
    return function simpleton() {
        //////// simpleton starts, a new scope is created

        // inside the returned function we use the parent scope 'name' binding
        console.log('Hi, I\'m', name);

        //////// simpleton ends, scope should be destroyed

    ////// makeBot has finished, scope should be destroyed
let bot = makeBot();
// in this moment makeBot has finished executing
// and all it's scope should be gone

bot(); // still, the 'name' is found

// The only way to destroy the makeBot() scope is by destroying every
// reference to it, meaning to destroy references to simpleton()
bot = null;

////////////// Inner bindings can change ///////////////

function makeAdjustableBot() {
    ///////// makeAdjustableBot starts, a new scope is created

    // makeAdjustableBot's scope binding
    let name = 'Adjustable Bot';

    // returns an object
    return {
        getName: function() {
            //////// getName starts, a new scope is created

            // inside we use the parent scope 'name' binding
            return name;

            ////// getName ends, scope should be destroyed
        setName: function(newName) {
            //////// setName starts, a new scope is created
            // inside we use the parent scope 'name' binding
            name = newName; 

            ////// setName ends, scope should be destroyed

    ///////// makeAdjustableBot has finished, scope should be destroyed
let adjustableBot = makeAdjustableBot();
// in this moment makeAdjustableBot has finished executing

let botName = adjustableBot.getName();

// name from the makeBot() scope can be modified

botName = adjustableBot.getName();

//////////// Works for parameters also /////////////////

function makeBotWithName(name) {
    // returns an object
    return {
        getName: function() {
            // inside we use the parent 'name' parameter
            return name;
        setName: function(newName) {
            // inside we use the parent 'name' parameter
            name = newName;
let botWithCustomName = makeBotWithName('The Best Bot Ever');

botName = botWithCustomName.getName();

// name from the botWithCustomName() paramater can be modified
botWithCustomName.setName('The Worst Bot Ever');

botName = botWithCustomName.getName();

//////////// Each function has it's own scope /////////////////

let botOne = makeBotWithName('Bot One');
let botTwo = makeBotWithName('Bot Two');

let botOneName = botOne.getName();
let botTwoName = botTwo.getName();
console.log('BotOne:', botOneName, ', BotTwo:', botTwoName);

// change the bot names 
botOne.setName('Android One');
botTwo.setName('Drone Two');

botOneName = botOne.getName();
botTwoName = botTwo.getName();
console.log('BotOne:', botOneName, ', BotTwo:', botTwoName);

/////////// Closures and loops /////////////////

for(let i = 0;  i < 3; i++) {
    setTimeout( function() {
        console.log('Closure see let index:', i);
    }, 100)

// Remember that that the closure has a 'live' reference to the bindings
let x = 0;
for(let i = 0;  i < 3; i++) {
    setTimeout( function() {
        console.log('Closure see x:', x);
    }, 100)

// Create a local binding and use that inside the closure
let y = 0;
for(let i = 0;  i < 3; i++) {
    let z = y++;
    setTimeout( function() {
        console.log('Closure see z:', z);
    }, 100)

'use strict';


    All objects have a 'constructor' property which is a reference to
    the *function* that created the object. In JavaScript functions are used
    to create objects.

    'contructor' functions have a 'prototype' property which is a reference to
    another *object*. The prototype contains functions that your object will
    get for free.

    Object.prototype is the prototype of all objects.


// the way to create an object
let planet = {};
console.log('Planet', planet);

// all objects have a bunch of built-in methods
console.log('constructor', planet.constructor);
console.log('hasOwnProperty', planet.hasOwnProperty);
console.log('toString', planet.toString);

// all those methods come from the 'prototype'
console.log('prototype', planet.constructor.prototype);
console.log('prototype', Object.getPrototypeOf(planet));

///// Data types Prototypes

console.log('Number.prototype', Object.getPrototypeOf(123).constructor);
console.log('Boolean.prototype', Object.getPrototypeOf(true).constructor);
console.log('String.prototype', Object.getPrototypeOf("abc").constructor);
console.log('Array.prototype', Object.getPrototypeOf([1,2,3]).constructor);
console.log('Function.prototype', Object.getPrototypeOf(() => {}).constructor);

///// Using custom prototypes

const protoPlanet = {
    toString: () => 'I\'m a planet',
console.log('Proto toString', protoPlanet.toString());

let aPlanet = {};
console.log('Object.getPrototypeOf(aPlanet) === Object.prototype?', 
            Object.getPrototypeOf(aPlanet) === Object.prototype )
console.log('Default toString:', aPlanet.toString());

// create an object with a specific prototype
aPlanet = Object.create(protoPlanet);
console.log('Object.getPrototypeOf(aPlanet) === Object.prototype?', 
            Object.getPrototypeOf(aPlanet) === Object.prototype )

console.log('Object.getPrototypeOf(aPlanet) === protoPlanet?',  
            Object.getPrototypeOf(aPlanet) === protoPlanet )

console.log('Proto toString:', aPlanet.toString());

//////////// Using function constructors ////////////

const AU = 149597900;

function Planet(name, distanceFromSun = 1) {
    this.name = name;
    this.distanceFromSun = distanceFromSun;
Planet.prototype.toString = function() { 
    return `I'm ${this.name}, ${this.distanceFromSun * AU}km from Sun`
Planet.prototype.distanceTo = function(planet) {
    return Math.abs(this.distanceFromSun - planet.distanceFromSun);

// Use "new" with a function to use it as a constructor
let earth = new Planet('Earth');

// "new" makes the function behave differently: it will create a new object
// and return it, even if you don't specify a return
let mars = new Planet('Mars', 1.52);

// using a prototype method
const distanceFromEarthToMars = earth.distanceTo(mars);

console.log('earth.toString:', earth.toString());
console.log('mars.toString:', mars.toString());

console.log('Distance from Earth to Mars:', 
            distanceFromEarthToMars + 'AU',
            (distanceFromEarthToMars * AU)+'km');

// when a function is called with "new"
function Satellite() {
    // this = Object.create(Satellite.prototype)
    // return this
Satellite.prototype = {    
    orbit: function() { return 'Earth' }     
const moon = new Satellite();

// if you forget to use "new" with the constructor, no object will be created,
// the function will work as a regular function
// let jupiter = Planet('Jupiter', 5.2);
// console.log(jupiter);

/////// Warning: Changing prototypes affects all objects using the prototype

function SolarBody(type) {
    this.type = type; 
    this.props = [];   

function Asteroid(name) {
    this.name = name;
Asteroid.prototype = new SolarBody('asteroid');

let ceres = new Asteroid('Ceres');
let vesta = new Asteroid('Vesta');

console.log(ceres.name, ceres.type, ceres.props);
console.log(vesta.name, vesta.type, vesta.props);

// All objects with the same prototype are affected
Object.getPrototypeOf(ceres).type = 'Dwaft Planet';

console.log(ceres.name, ceres.type);
console.log(vesta.name, vesta.type);

// Never use arrays in prototypes
console.log('This might be unexpected by some:');

ceres.props.push('945km diameter');
ceres.props.push('largest in the belt');

vesta.props.push('525km diameter');

console.log(ceres.name, ceres.props);
console.log(vesta.name, vesta.props);

'use strict';


    "Classical" inheritance found in other languages can be implemented in
    JavaScript using prototypes.


function SolarBody(type) {
    this.type = type;
    this.toString = function(){ return 'SolarBody' };
SolarBody.prototype.constructor = SolarBody;

function Asteroid(name) {
    this.name = name;
    this.toString = function(){ return 'Asteroid' };
Asteroid.prototype = new SolarBody('asteroid');
Asteroid.prototype.constructor = Asteroid;

function DwarfPlanet(diameter) {
    this.diameter = diameter;
    this.toString = function(){ return 'DwarfPlanet'};
DwarfPlanet.prototype = new Asteroid('Ceres');
DwarfPlanet.prototype.constructor = DwarfPlanet;

// create a planet
const planet = new DwarfPlanet(945);

console.log('DwarfPlanet?', planet instanceof DwarfPlanet);
console.log('Asteroid?', planet instanceof Asteroid);
console.log('SolarBody?', planet instanceof SolarBody);


function findProperty(prop, object) {
    const found = object.hasOwnProperty(prop);
    console.log(`Looking for '${prop}' on`, 
                    found? 'FOUND': '');
    if(!found) {
        const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);
        return proto && findProperty(prop, proto);

findProperty('diameter', planet);
findProperty('name', planet);
findProperty('type', planet);
findProperty('age', planet);

'use strict';


    Since using prototypes feels weird for some people, by popular request,
    classes and class based inheritance were introduced in JavaScript.         


class SolarBody {

    constructor(type) {
        this.type = type;        

    toString(){ return 'SolarBody' };
    aSolarBodyFunction() {}

class Asteroid extends SolarBody {

    constructor(name) {
        this.name = name;

    toString(){ return 'Asteroid' };
    anAsteroidFunction() {}

class DwarfPlanet extends Asteroid {

    constructor(diameter) {
        this.diameter = diameter;

    toString(){ return 'DwarfPlanet'};

// create a planet
const planet = new DwarfPlanet(945);

console.log('DwarfPlanet?', planet instanceof DwarfPlanet);
console.log('Asteroid?', planet instanceof Asteroid);
console.log('SolarBody?', planet instanceof SolarBody);

console.log('Is planet constructor DwarfPlanet?', 
            planet.constructor === DwarfPlanet);

function findProperty(prop, object) {
    const found = object.hasOwnProperty(prop);
    console.log(`Looking for '${prop}' on`, 
                    found? 'FOUND': '');
    if(!found) {
        const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);
        return proto && findProperty(prop, proto);

findProperty('diameter', planet);
findProperty('name', planet);
findProperty('type', planet);
findProperty('age', planet);

findProperty('aDwarfPlanetFunction', planet);
findProperty('anAsteroidFunction', planet);
findProperty('aSolarBodyFunction', planet);

'use strict'; 


    A good practice is to make copies of objects and to mutate the copies 
    leaving the original objects untouched.
    However deep cloning objects correctly is very difficult.        
    In practice I recommend using a libray, like deepClone from lodash 
    or immer.js

    Let's see how we can clone an object in different ways and what are the 
    drawbacks of each.

    There are two types of cloning:
    1) Shallow cloning 
    2) Deep cloning


const original = {
    a: new Date(),
    b: NaN,
    c: new Function(),
    d: undefined,
    e: function() {},
    f: Number,
    g: false,
    h: Infinity,
    i: {
        color: 'red'

// If an object references other objects, when performing a shallow copy of the
// object, you copy the references to the external objects.

const copy1 = Object.assign({}, original)
copy1.i.color = 'blue';
console.log(original.i.color, 'vs', copy1.i.color);

const copy2 = {...original};
copy2.i.color = 'lime';
console.log(original.i.color, 'vs', copy2.i.color);

// we care, this can be used in practice (this is what I personally use)
const copy3 = {
    i: {
        color: 'black'
console.log(original.i.color, 'vs', copy3.i.color);

// When performing a deep copy, those external objects are copied as well, so
// the new, cloned object is completely independent from the old one.

const deepClone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(original))

// But this method has some issues which might be important in some cases:

// 1. Functions are not cloned
console.log(original.e, 'vs', deepClone.e);

// 2. undefined properties are not copied
console.log(original.hasOwnProperty('d'), 'vs', deepClone.hasOwnProperty('d'));

// 3. Dates are copied as string
console.log(typeof(original.a), 'vs', typeof(deepClone.a));

// 4. NaN, Infinity are copied as null
console.log(original.b, 'vs', deepClone.b);
console.log(original.h, 'vs', deepClone.h);
'use strict';


    One of the most confusing problems in JavaScript is 'this', the function's 
    context. The context depends on how the function is *used* not on how the 
    function is declared.

    Inside a function, you get access to the context using the 'this' keyword.
    PRO TIP: Avoid using 'this' as much as possible, make functions pure as 
    much as possible.

    A function in JavaScript can be *used* in several ways:
    * regular function
    * constructor
    * method of an object   
    * called with 'call' and 'apply'


//////// REGULAR FUNCTIONS ///////

// regular function 
function area(width, height) {
    console.log('area function context:', JSON.stringify(this));
    return width * height;
let areaAsFunction = area(10, 20);
console.log('Area as function:', areaAsFunction);

const perimeter = (width, height) => width + height;
let perimeterAsArrowFunction = perimeter(10, 20);
console.log('Perimeter as arrow function:', perimeterAsArrowFunction);

///////// METHODS //////////

// method of an object
const rectangle = {
    name: 'rectangle',
    width : 20,
    height : 10,
    area: function() {
        console.log('area method context:', JSON.stringify(this));
        return this.width * this.height
    perimeter: () => {
        console.log('perimeter method context:', JSON.stringify(this));
        return this? this.width + this.height : 0
let areaAsMethod = rectangle.area();
console.log('Area as method:', areaAsMethod);

let perimeterAsArrowMethod = rectangle.perimeter();
console.log('Perimeter as arrow method:', perimeterAsArrowMethod);

////////// CONSTRUCTOR ////////////

// constructor
function Area(width, height) {
    // this is created automatically if 'new Area()' is called
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;    
Area.prototype.area = function() {
    console.log('Area constructor context:', JSON.stringify(this));
    return this.width * this.height
let areaAsConstructor = (new Area(10, 20)).area();
console.log('Area as constructor:', areaAsConstructor);

////////// CALL & APPLY //////////////

// call() and apply() 
const square = { name: 'square', width: 10, height: 10}
// we can 'borrow' the area method from the rectangle object and call it 
// on another object
let areaFromCall = rectangle.area.call(square);
console.log('Area from call():', areaFromCall);

let areaFromApply = rectangle.area.apply(square, []);
console.log('Area from apply():', areaFromApply);

// the difference between call and apply is only in how to pass arguments
// when we call a regular function and it doesn't need a context we can pass 
// null as context

areaFromCall = area.call(null, 10, 20);
console.log('area.call():', areaFromCall);

areaFromApply = area.apply(null, [10, 20]);
console.log('area.apply():', areaFromApply);

// Since they don't need a context, the same works for arrow function
let perimeterFromCall = perimeter.call(null, 10, 20);
console.log('perimeter.call():', perimeterFromCall);

let perimeterFromApply = perimeter.apply(null, [10, 20]);
console.log('perimeter.apply():', perimeterFromApply);

// Who is this?

const robot = {
    moving: false,
    move: function() {
        this.moving = true;
        setTimeout(function() {
            console.log('Who is this?', this );
            this.moving =false;
        }, 100);
setTimeout( function() {
    console.log('Robot moving?', robot.moving)
}, 400)

// This is not what you think it is
const engine = {
    started: false,
    start: function() {
        this.started = true
    stop : function() {
        console.log('Who is this?', this );
        this.started = false;

const car = {
    engine : engine,
    move: function() {
        console.log('Who is this?', this );
        setTimeout(this.engine.stop, 100);
setTimeout( function() {
    console.log('Car engine started?', car.engine.started)
}, 500)

console.log('\n\nBIND TO CONTEXT\n')
// Prevent context change by binding the function
// to a context

const cube = {
    width: 10, 
    height: 10,
    length: 10

// uses 'this' => designed to be called with a context
function volume() {
    console.log('volume context:', JSON.stringify(this));
    return this.width * this.height * this.length

// bind volume to cube object
cube.volume = volume.bind(cube);
console.log('Volume:', cube.volume())

// try to use it on another object
let squareVolume = cube.volume.call(square);
console.log('Square Volume:', squareVolume)

let rectangleVolume = cube.volume.call(rectangle);
console.log('Rectangle Volume:', rectangleVolume)

// Fixed robot move 
robot.move = function() {        
    this.moving = true;
    let that = this;
    setTimeout(function() {
        console.log('Who is this?', this );
        that.moving =false;
    }, 100);
setTimeout( function() {
    setTimeout( function() {
        console.log('Fixed Robot moving?', robot.moving)
    }, 300)    
}, 300)

// Fixed car move 
car.move = function() {
    console.log('Who is this?', this );
    setTimeout(this.engine.stop.bind(engine), 100);
setTimeout( function() {
    setTimeout( function() {
        console.log('Bound Car engine started?', car.engine.started)
    }, 200)
}, 200)

// -- Exercises -- 

// Implement the loop function 
function loop(array, fn){
    for ( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) {
        // Implement me!

let num = 0;
loop([0, 1, 2], function(value) {
    if(value !== num++) console.log("Make sure the contents are what we expect.");
    if(!(this instanceof Array)) console.log("The context should be the array.");

    console.log('Value:', value, 'Context:', this);

// Modify the code so that the cat is not able to borrow dog's speak function
const dog = { sound:'Woof' }
dog.speak = function() {
    return this.sound + '!'

const cat = { sound:'Meow' }
const catSpeak = dog.speak.call(cat);
if(catSpeak !== dog.sound) {
    //console.log(`${catSpeak} Don't let the cat hijack dog's speak function!`);
} else {
    //console.log(`Good job!`);
'use strict';

    Iterability is a way an object specifies how to access its data 
    programmatically. Specifically, how the JavaScript engine will access 
    values using:
    * for...of loops
    * the ... (spread) operator
    * Array.from()
    By using 'Symbol.iterator' as the name of a method in an object, we can 
    create a function that will specify the behavior for traversing the object.

    [Symbol.iterator]() {   
        return {
            next() {
                return hasNext 
                    ? { done: false, value: nextValue } 
                    : { done: true };


// Some JavaScript objects have iterability built in:
const str = "abc";
for (const letter of str) {

const arr = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
for (const elem of arr) {

const map = new Map();
map.set("first", 1);
map.set("second", 2);
for (const mapping of map) {

const set = new Set();
for (const elem of set) {


const movie = {
    name : "The Shawshank Redemption",
    year : 1994,
    director: "Frank Darabont",
    cast: [ "Tim Robbins", "Morgan Freeman"],
    similarTitles: [
        { name: "Forrest Gump", year: 1994 },
        { name: "Fight Club", year: 1999 },
        { name: "Pulp Fiction", born: 1994 },
        { name: "Se7en", born: 1995 },
        { name: "Inception", born: 2010 },

// This will throw error
//for (const elem of unsolvedCase) {
//    console.log(elem);

movie[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
    let i = 0;
    const keys = Object.keys(this).filter(key => key !== 'similarTitles')

    return {
        next: () => {
            const aKey = keys[i++];
            return aKey
                ? { done: false, value: aKey.toUpperCase() +': '+ this[aKey] }
                : { done: true };

// Now this will work
for (const elem of movie) {

////// LINKED LIST ////////

    [ 1, null ]
    [ 1, next--]--->[ 2, null ]
    [ 1, next--]--->[ 2, next--]--->[ 3, next--]---> ... --->[ 9, null ]

    [ 1, next--]--->[ 2, next--]--->[ 3, null]
    [ 1, next--]------------------->[ 3, null]


const LinkedList = ( function() {

    const head = Symbol('head');

    class Node {
        constructor(value, next) {
            this.value = value;
            this.next = next;

    class LinkedList {

        constructor() {}

        add(value) {
            const newNode = new Node(value, null);
            if (this.head) {
                let currentNode = this.head;
                // find the last node
                while (currentNode.next) {
                    currentNode = currentNode.next
                currentNode.next = newNode;
            } else {
                this.head = newNode;

        remove(value) {
            if (this.head) {
                let currentNode = this.head;
                let previousNode = null;

                while (currentNode.value !== value && currentNode.next) {
                    previousNode = currentNode;
                    currentNode = currentNode.next
                if(currentNode && currentNode.value === value) {
                    if (previousNode) {
                        previousNode.next = currentNode.next;
                    } else {
                        // remove head
                        this.head = this.head.next;

        [Symbol.iterator]() {
            let currentNode = this.head;

            return {
                next() {
                    // handle current
                    let result = currentNode
                        ? { done: false, value: currentNode.value }
                        : { done: true };
                    // set current to next    
                    currentNode = currentNode? currentNode.next : null;    
                    return result;

    return LinkedList;

const list = new LinkedList();

'use strict';


    A generator is a function that can stop midway and then continue from where it stopped.
    A generator returns an iterable object that:
        * has a next() method that is used to get the next value
        * produces values like this: { value: any, done: boolean }

    Generators are declared using 'function*', not the regular 'function'.
    When you want to stop the generator, use 'yield'.


// Declare generator function
function* saySomething() {
    yield 'Hello';
    yield 'Generator';

// Get iterator from generator
const saySomethingIterator = saySomething();

// get next value

// get next value

// Declare generator function
function* countdown(n) {
    while (n > 0){
        yield n--;

// Get iterator from generator
const iterator = countdown(3);

// Iterate on it
for (const value of iterator) {

// Or use spread operator 
const [...values] = countdown(5);

////// Infinite counter /////////////
function* plusOne() {
    let index = 1;
    while(true) {
        yield index++;
const counter = plusOne();
for(let i=0 ; i < 5; i++){

///// Stop the generator /////
const counterStopped = counter.return();

function* countToThree() {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    return 3; // this is lost! 
const counter3 = countToThree();
for(let i of counter3) {

////// Fibonacci Generator /////

function* fib(n) {
    n = Math.max(1, parseInt(''+(n+1), 10))
    let current = 0;
    let next = 1;
    while (n--) {
        if (current > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) console.error(`${current} out of range`)

        yield current;
        [current, next] = [next, current + next];

// instant calculation might block the CPU
const [...n] = fib(10);

// we can compute each value, one by one, using a timer
const fibonacciGenerator = fib(10);
(function loop() {
    const next = fibonacciGenerator.next();
    //if(!next.done) setTimeout(() => { console.log(next.value); loop()}, 10);

'use strict';


    A proxy is an object that serves as a stand-in between the code being 
    executed and the actual object being accessed. 

    [ Code ] --> [ Proxy ] --> [ Object ]
    The main purpose for proxies is to expose an interface which intercepts 
    operations performed on the object, and modify the default behavior of 
    that operation to produce an outcome we would not normally get.


// super secret db
const db = [
        name: 'Area 51',
        lastModified: Date.now(),
        lastAccessed: Date.now()
        name: 'Hangar 18',
        lastModified: Date.now(),
        lastAccessed: Date.now()
        name: 'Dulce Base',
        lastModified: Date.now(),
        lastAccessed: Date.now()

// create a Proxy with
// a) The object to be proxied
// b) A handler object, that specifies what to trap
let dbProxy = new Proxy(db, {});

// Let's allow negative indexes for our db array
// db[-1] -> last element
// db[0] -> first element
// db[1] -> second element

// Trap 'get' only
let handler = {
    // target = db, prop = -1, receiverProxy = dbProxy
    get(target, prop, receiverProxy) {
        const _prop = +prop; // cast to number

        let value;
        if (Number.isInteger(_prop)) {
            value = _prop >= 0 ? target[_prop] : target[target.length + _prop]
            if(value) value.lastAccessed = Date.now();
        } else {
            value = target[prop];
        return value;
dbProxy=new Proxy(db,handler); 

let last = dbProxy[-1]; 
console.log('Proxy Last:', last);

// Trap 'get' and 'set'
handler = {
    get(target, prop, receiverProxy) {
        const _prop = +prop; // cast to number
        let value;
        if (Number.isInteger(_prop)) {
            value = _prop >= 0 ? target[_prop] : target[target.length + _prop]
            if(value) value.lastAccessed = Date.now();
        } else {
            value = target[prop];
        return value;

    // target = db, prop = -1, val = object, receiverProxy = dbProxy
    set(target, prop, val, receiverProxy) {
        const _prop = +prop; // cast to number
        if (Number.isInteger(_prop)) {
            val = val || {};
            val.lastModified = Date.now();

            // get current value using the proxy
            const currentValue = receiverProxy[prop];            
            if(currentValue) {
                val.lastAccessed = currentValue.lastAccessed;

            if(_prop >= 0) {
                target[_prop] = val;
            } else {      
                target[target.length + _prop] = val;
        } else {
            target[prop] = val

        return true;
dbProxy = new Proxy(db,handler);

const updatedLast = {...last, name: 'Plant 42' }
console.log('Updated Proxy Last:', updatedLast);

// update last
dbProxy[-1] = updatedLast;
console.log('Updated DB Last:', db[db.length-1]);

// set last to null
dbProxy[-1] = null;
console.log('DB Last after set to null:', db[db.length-1]);

// add new 
dbProxy.push({'name': 'Mount Weather'})
last = dbProxy[-1];
console.log('Proxy Last after push:', last);

'use strict';      

    Because of the way types are converted in JavaScript, it is possible to 
    write JavaScript code using only 6 characters:  !+()[]        


// booleans
const false_ = ![]; // Boolean([]) = true
const true_ = !![]; // !false = true
console.log(false_ , true_);

// undefined
const undefined_ = [][[]];

// numbers
const zero = +[];
const one = +!![]; // +true = 1,  Number(true) = 1
const two = (+!![]) + (+!![]); // 1 + 1
// ... and so on to 9
console.log(zero, one, two);

// strings
const emptyString = [] + [];
const trueString = !![] + [];
const falseString = ![] + [];
const undefinedString = [][[]] + [];
console.log(trueString, falseString, undefinedString);

// chars
// so far we can get a, d, e, f, i, l, n, r, s, t, u from abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
const letterF = (![] + [])[+[]]; // "false"[0]
const letterL = (![] + [])[(+!![]) + (+!![])]; // "false"[2]
// "undefined"[5]
const letterI = ([][[]] + [])[(+!![]) + (+!![]) + (+!![]) + (+!![]) + (+!![])];
console.log(letterF, letterL, letterI);

// letterF + letterI + letterL + letterL
const fillString = (![] + [])[+[]] + 
                ([][[]] + [])[(+!![]) + (+!![]) + (+!![]) + (+!![]) + (+!![])] + 
                (![] + [])[(+!![]) + (+!![])] + (![] + [])[(+!![]) + (+!![])];

// array has a fill method
// calling []['fill'] + '' gives "function fill() { [native code] }"
// which gives us more characters 
const fillFunctionToString = [][
        (![] + [])[+[]] +
        ([][[]] + [])[(+!![]) + (+!![]) + (+!![]) + (+!![]) + (+!![])] +
        (![] + [])[(+!![]) + (+!![])] + (![] + [])[(+!![]) + (+!![])]] + []

// so no we have a, c, d, e, f, i, l, n, o, r, s, t, u, v
// which can be used to make "constructor" which is way to long.. in !+[]()

// we can get the String's constructor using ''['constructor'] + '' 
console.log(''['constructor'] + '')

// now that we have access to 'S' we can create 'toString'
// Number.toString(base) allows an optional base argument (between 2 and 36)
const chars = []
for(let i=0; i < 36; i++){
    chars.push( i['toString'](36) )
// now we cat get all lower case letters

// calling functions
// Function('code') creates a new function with the 'code' body
const functionConstructor = []['fill']['constructor'];

const createNewFunction = functionConstructor('console.log("You are hacked!")');
